Rates and Fees


  • Nightly (User Day) Rates for 2024
    • $98.41 for reservations directly billed to a UA (University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ) fund-org
    • $124 for all other billing types (included overhead)
      • For proposals, we suggest adding a 2-4% increase per year
    • Billing is completed using the information provided on each individual reservation
  • Science Support and Remote Access
    • Toolik helps provide science support to researchers at the field station as well as remote access support to those who are not at the field station.  We can provide up to 40 hours of support/access per year (October 1- September 30) for free; hours beyond 40 per project per year will be charged.
    • The 2024 rate for support beyond 40 hours is $12.30 (UA fund-org billing) or $15.50 (other types of billing) per hour.  If two people support your project for two hours, that counts as 4 hours of support and will be charged accordingly. Transportation time to and from the site is usually included in calculations.
    • Please contact uaf-iab-tfs-edc@alaska.edu With questions about project support and possible costs.
  • Fuel Accounts
    • Project vehicles can not be refueled without an active fuel account. (Vehicles provided by Toolik will usually be refueled without an account.)
    • must be renewed annually
    • Unleaded gasoline and diesel are both available at cost
    • Fuel is generally billed on a monthly basis in the summer, and quarterly in the winter months. Please contact uaf-toolik-business@alaska.edu for questions about fuel billing.
  • Compressed Gas
  • Other Supplies/ Expediting
    • On occasion, Toolik may be able to help obtain supplies around Fairbanks for your project. Please contact uaf-toolik-logistics@alaska.edu to start a discussion about possible in-town assistance.
  • Support via Battelle ARO contract
    • NSF projects supported through the Battelle ARO contract should consult their project manager about the number of nights and/ or science support hours that their project has budgeted for. Each reservation must contain correct billing information in order to be charged to the Battelle ARO contract.
    • Nights or science support hours provided through Battelle ARO will be billed directly to Battelle ARO; you will not receive a copy of that billing.
    • Battelle ARO contract does not cover fuel accounts.  
  • Payment options
  • You must receive an invoice before you can make a payment. 
    • Credit Card
      • Pay with a credit card through the website which provides a secure online platform.
    •  Check
      • Checks should be mailed to:
        • Institute of Arctic Biology
        • PO Box 757000
        • Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000
    • Journal Vouchers (JVs) for charges to a UA fund-org will be completed generally on a monthly basis. If you would like a copy of the JV, please contact uaf-toolik-business@alaska.edu.
    • If your institution requires a W9 or any additional paperwork in order to process an invoice, please contact uaf-toolik-business@alaska.edu.