Atmospheric Monitoring

Ozone Monitoring
  • Collaboration by TFS and Boulder Air
  • Live Data: 
  • Ozone at Toolik since 2011-2016 on the
  • Type of equipment list
    • Ozone - ThermoFisher Scientific -
    • Three aspirated temperature sensors (low, medium, high) (掳C)
    • PAR incoming (w/m2) and PAR outgoing (w/m2)
    • MetOne wind speed (m/s)/ wind direction sensor (degrees)
National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) ()

Initiated in the fall of 2017, Toolik is now a participating station in the NADP network.  The primary mission of the NADP network is to measure deposition of atmospheric pollutants through chemicals in precipitation. The Toolik NADP station (AK96) was established in collaboration with the State of 色视频下载 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).  Toolik participates in 3 of the 5 monitoring networks within NADP: National Trends Network, Mercury Deposition Network and the Ammonia Monitoring Network.

  • National Trends Network (NTN) examines acids, conductance, calcium, magnesium, sodium potassium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, and ammonium deposition from precipitation.
  • Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) examines all forms of mercury deposited through precipitation.
  • Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN) passively records ammonia in the atmosphere.

Inter-agency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments ()

Aerosol measurements taken with the IMPROVE sensors occur at two sizes (PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles) using three different kinds of filters (Teflon, nylon with a denuder and quartz). Samples are then used to calculate the mass of PM2.5 and PM 10 particles, optical absorption, elemental (H, Na-Pb), nitrate, sulfate, chloride, as well as organic and elemental carbon. Measurements of air quality are integrated over a period of 2-3 days.  

  • IMPROVE Monitoring Site established in November 2018 in collaboration with the BLM.
  • Toolik Lake Field Station Monitoring Site
      • Scroll down to Parameters Monitored for a summary of each parameter
      • Select a parameter and either click "Get raw data..." or "View Charts..." at the bottom of the page.
      • Dataset Tab - Select "IMPROVE Aerosol"
      • Sites Tab - Select "Toolik Lake Field Station"
      • Submit - Raw Data files found at the bottom of the page
Purple Air: Real Time Air Quality Monitoring ()

Purple Air sensor installed in June 2019 in collaboration with the at the University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks run by Dr. Jingqiu Mao. 

    • Real time measurements of PM1.0, PM 2.5, and PM 10 along with air temperature (F) and relative humidity (%)
    • Interactive map of Toolik Field Station measurements and how they compare to other 'nearby' sites and to sites globally.
  • Records since established July 26, 2019
    • Data download:
    • Search for 色视频下载淭oolik Field Station色视频下载
    • Select Data Range
    • Download Selected - Two excel spreadsheets will be downloaded (Primary and Secondary)
      • Primary

        field1: Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC)
        field2: Entry ID # (each sample has an id number)
        field3: PM1.0 (CF=ATM) ug/m3 
        field4: PM2.5 (CF=ATM) ug/m3
        field5: PM10.0 (CF=ATM) ug/m3
        field6: Uptime (Minutes)
        field7: RSSI (WiFi Signal Strength)
        field8: Temperature (F)
        field9: Humidity (%)
        field10: PM2.5 (CF=1) ug/m3 This is the field to use for PM2.5

      • Secondary

        field1: Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC)
        field2: Entry ID # (each sample has an id number)
        field3: 0.3um particles/deciliter
        field4: 0.5um particles/deciliter
        field5: 1.0um particles/deciliter
        field6: 2.5um particles/deciliter
        field7: 5.0um particles/deciliter
        field8: 10.0um particles/deciliter
        field9: PM1.0 (CF=1) ug/m3 This is the field to use for PM1.0
        field10: PM10 (CF=1) ug/m3 This is the field to use for PM10