Student Conduct

As with all members of the university community, the university requires students to conduct themselves honestly and responsibly and to respect the rights of others. Students may not engage in behavior that disrupts the learning environment, violates the rights of others or otherwise violates the student code of conduct, university rules, regulations, or procedures. Students and student organizations will be responsible for ensuring that they and their guests comply with the student code of conduct while on property owned or controlled by the university or while attending activities authorized or sponsored by the university.

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Our Student Conduct Team will respond to reports of student misconduct (behavioral and academic) in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ“ ensuring accountability while maintaining necessary due process.  This team will assist faculty and staff in navigating student misconduct responses. When appropriate, this team will conduct administrative reviews to resolve allegations equitably and efficiently.


Students involved in the student conduct process are provided written instructions at each step of the process. These instructions provide deadlines and detailed information that allows the student to respond within the required guidelines of the conduct process.

Step 1: Incident Report

Any department or member of the university community including students, faculty, or staff can submit an Incident Report alleging student misconduct.

Step 2: Notice to student and Preliminary Assessment

A preliminary assessment is conducted. The conduct officer determines if the case should move forward and if the behavior rises to the level of minor or major sanctions. For cases involving sexual misconduct all investigations are conducted by the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability and then forwarded to the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability.

Step 3: Notice of Charges

If warranted, a student will receive a phone call and a letter via their preferred email informing them of the allegation of misconduct and their appointment for an Administrative Review.

Step 4: Administrative Review

An administrative review is scheduled with the student(s) involved. The meeting is designed to inform the student of their rights in the student conduct process; to provide the student specific detail regarding the nature of the allegation; to provide the student an opportunity to ask questions about the process; and for the student to officially respond to the allegation of misconduct.

Step 5: Sanctioning É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ“if warranted

Students who accept responsibility, or are found responsible through the student conduct process, will be sanctioned in an effort to help them learn and grow from the experience. Sanctions are primarily based on two key factors: the type and severity of the violation and previous violations of record. Sanctions must be completed by the assigned deadline or additional sanctions may be assigned.

Step 6: Appeal

Students involved in a conduct violation have the right to appeal. Any appeal must be submitted in writing within seven (7) days of receiving their findings letter.

Step 7: University Final Decision

Students receive a letter summarizing the final decision regarding their case if they have submitted an appeal. The response to the appeal is considered the universityÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s final decision on the case.