Insurance, Taxes, Licenses, Penalties, Fines

Expenditures in this sub account group represent the cost of all types of insurance including fire, property damage, public liability and student health, but excluding insurance items included under staff benefits such as pension, retirement, health, dental, audio, visual, life and worker's compensation insurance. The cost of fidelity and special purpose bonds should also be charged to this sub account group. Also included in this sub account group are taxes and licenses, charges for penalties and fines, and cash overages or shortages.

Expenditures for miscellaneous charges for taxes, licenses and royalty payments.

Expenditures for bank services, NSF charges, trustee charges and similar charges generated from banks.

Expenditures for overages and shortages from cashiersÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ operating cash funds.

Expenditures for fines and penalties levied by regulatory agencies on the university, not personal.

Monies paid to an insurance company for catastrophe protection of the university's buildings and their contents in case of loss.

Monies paid to an insurance company to protect the university from catastrophic costs of liability under common law or statutory law.

Monies paid to an insurance company to protect the university from the catastrophic costs of liability arising out of the chartering or personal use of aircraft.

Monies paid to an insurance company to protect the university from the catastrophic costs of liability arising out of the operation of owned or chartered vessels.

Monies paid to an insurance company to protect the university from the catastrophic costs of failure to provide medical care, or improper medical care, from the students, staff, or faculty in the health professions or student health centers.

Monies paid to insurance companies for coverage not provided above.

The cost of funding the IBNR (incurred but not reported) workers compensation and other liability claims.

Payments for marine protection and indemnity claims. Primarily workers compensation for marine workers.

Payments of the self-insured (deductible) portion of the marine vessels property claims.

Payment out of the university's budget for damage or loss to university building and/or contents.

Payments to persons for their personal injuries of damage to their automobile in auto accidents where the university driver is held to be negligent.

Payments made to university employees for their loss of wages and medical bills as a result of being off work from an on-the-job work related injury.

Payments for the medical bills of university employees injured on the job where the employee does not lose time from work.

Payments to third parties outside the university for injury to their person or damage to their property as a result of university negligence.

Payments to third parties outside the university for injury to their person or damage to their property as a result of university negligence.

Repair costs of university licensed vehicles for damage in auto accident where the university cannot recover the costs from the other party, if any, in the accident (pertains to vehicles not over three years old).

Payment of medical costs for university team athletes injured in practice or in competition.

Costs of claims for personal injury and property damage not specifically identified with a line of insurance coverage.