Disability Services policies and procedures

UAF Policies & Procedures

UAF Disability Services (DS) suggests every student, faculty, advisor and/or family member familiarize themselves with UAFÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s most important Policies & Procedures. Please Contact Us or the governance office for more information and questions. 

We also recommend every student, especially students registered with our office, to review the Student Handbook. In the UAF student handbook students can find all necessary information, which might be helpful throughout their academic journey. 

Discrimination Policy

The University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally protected statuses.

If you feel as though you have been discriminated against, you are encouraged to submit a report with the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability (ORCA).

Disability Services Policies

Please find below a list and description of all of UAF Disability Services (DS) policies and guidelines. For more information and questions regarding our policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Document Conversion Policy

DS offers course materials in alternative formats to UAF students eligible to receive services. Services are provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Following one year of enrollment, UAF students will be expected to learn how to acquire texts independently through publishers and resources, such as Resources for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D). Disability Services will provide instruction, training and assistance as needed.

To receive document conversion:

  1. The student must be registered for classes and the student must have the approved accommodation from DS.
  2. Students are responsible for delivering books and materials to be converted to disability services as soon as possible. DS will convert all necessary student documents as fast as possible, after which we will convert them on a first come, first serve basis. Following completion of the converted format student books will be rebound with a comb binding and returned to the student. 

Converted documents can be accessed through a variety of computer labs throughout campus.

Please note that all materials provided by DS (e.g. equipment, tape recordings, CDs, etc.) must be returned to the DS office immediately after the semester in which the material was provided. If materials are not returned, a hold may be placed on the student's records until materials are returned. DS provides converted materials only for the semester that the student is enrolled in the class.

Note: DS will not convert existing texts to a new format if the text is already available in an accessible format. For example, print material available on digital CDs will not be converted to electronic text.

Copyright Law

Copyright law requires students to own a physical copy of the textbook being requested for conversion to an alternative format. (Copyright Revisions Act of 1976, as amended 17 U.S.C., Sec. 101 et seq.) This law also requires that accessible formats not be duplicated or shared. Students acquiring alternative formats through Disability Services must comply with these restrictions.

Note Taking Policies & Process

  • DS has to approve the Note Taking accommodation.
  • DS will provide the student with a note taking packet that is dated and signed by DS.
  • Students must provide the instructor with a letter of accommodation and the note taking packet.
  • Instructor requests a note taker from within the class at the beginning of the semester.
  • The instructor introduces the note taker and the student receiving the accommodation to each other.
  • The instructor provides the note taking packet to the note taker.
  • The note taker returns the note taking packet to DS and picks up the carbon copy paper (unless other arrangements have been made to provide the notes in a different format).
  • If a note taker is not identified, the instructor and the student must notify DS as soon as possible so that other arrangements can be made.

Please note that Note takers do not provide any other service to the student, except for taking notes, nor do they provide personal information regarding themselves.

University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks students who use note taking services through DS have a responsibility to:

  • Provide the note taking packet to instructors at the beginning of the semester.
  • Attend classes as scheduled in the course syllabi for each course where a note taker is requested.
  • Discuss any dissatisfaction with the notes with the note taker, and if problems persist, contact DS for assistance.
  • Contact DS for assistance if the note taker is absent.
  • Understand that notes will not be provided for the days that the student is absent from class.
  • Understand that a note taker is not required to provide any personal information or other service other than taking notes.

If the note taker is not a volunteer from the class, the following rules apply:

  • DS will be notified of any planned absences at least two working days prior to the planned absence.
  • DS will be notified of an emergency absence. Less than 24 hours is considered a late cancellation.
  • An absence without contacting DS will be considered a no show.
  • The note taker will leave 15 minutes into the class, if the student has not arrived. They will then inform DS of the no show.
  • After three no-shows or late cancellations, note taking services will be suspended until the student meets with DS to develop a plan to prevent further no-shows or late cancellations.

Faculty responsibilities are:

  • Upon receiving a note taking packet accompanied by a letter of accommodation, solicit the class for a note taking volunteer as soon as possible.
  • When a volunteer is found, introduce the student with a disability to the volunteer.
  • Give the note taking packet to the volunteer.
  • If no volunteer is found after one week of solicitation, discuss this with the student with a disability and contact DS for guidance.
  • Ask a particular student in the class to volunteer if that student is known to be reliable.

Once a student volunteers to be a note taker for a student with a disability, they have a responsibility to:

  • Turn in a completed note taker packet to DS at the beginning of the semester.
  • Attend class regularly. If this is a concern, please return the note taking packet to the instructor, so that another student can be recruited.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the student with the disability.
  • Give notes to the student working with DS immediately after class, unless both students decide on other arrangements for providing notes.
  • Notes are to be provided only when the student working with DS attends class.
  • Notify DS immediately if your employment status changes. This ensures timely payment of the stipend at the end of the semester.
  • Contact DS with any questions or concerns regarding the note taking process.

ASL Interpreting Services and Transcription Services

All DS interpreters and transcribers have the required training and experience working in a post-secondary educational setting. Though certification is encouraged, UAF hires both certified and non-certified services. Family members cannot be hired or serve as interpreters or transcribers for other family members.

DS provides interpreters and real time transcription services to deaf and hard of hearing students for classes, meetings and co-curricular functions related to academic courses required on the syllabus. When local providers are not available, remote services may be used. 

DS does not provide services for activities of a personal nature, such as tutoring or attending campus events. Services for general activities are provided by the entity sponsoring the event or occasion.

Attendance and notification policies

  • Students using interpreting services or transcription services will be expected to attend scheduled classes.

  • Notification 48 hours in advance is required for planned absences or class cancellations.

  • For unplanned absences, students using services must contact the DS office immediately. 

  • Two consecutive or three total no-shows without notification will result in suspension of interpreting services.

  • To reinstate services, the student must meet with DS and develop a plan of action to avoid further absences and continuous failure to notify the office.

Equipment and Software Loans

DS has a number of items that can be loaned to UAF students registered with our office. These include laptop computers, assistive technology software, assistive listening devices, recorders, magnifiers, foot rests and other items.

  • For a student to be eligible to receive equipment and/or software loans from our office, the student has to be registered with DS and proper documentation has to be submitted, supporting the necessity of the equipment and/or software. All equipment is loaned for academic and course related purposes only.
  • Equipment and software are loaned at the beginning of each semester and are due at the end of the semester. All equipment must be returned to UAF DS.
  • If returned in good working order, there is no charge. In case equipment is returned damaged through accident, neglect or misuse, the student will be charged for repairs.
  • If DS equipment is not returned at the end of the semester, DS will submit three attempts to contact the borrower via phone, email, and postal mail.
  • If the equipment is not returned, a hold is put on the studentÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s account, which prevents the student from registering for further classes until either the equipment is returned, or the student renders payment for the cost of the equipment.

Testing Policies

Whenever possible, instructors or departments will administer tests with appropriate accommodations. If this is not possible, DS will administer exams at the DS Test Center.

It is the studentÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s responsibility to make their exam appointments with DS at least 3 business days before the in-class exam date, and at least 1 week before final exams. Students are encouraged to schedule all of their exams/tests/quizzes in advance at the beginning of the semester. If the instructor prefers to administer the exam and can arrange the proper accommodations, students may make alternative testing arrangements directly with the instructor. 

All exams taken at the DS Test Center must overlap with the in-class exam time, unless the course instructor is allowing the student to take the exam at an alternate date or time. Instructors must approve any changes in date/time of exam administration. It is the studentÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s responsibility to obtain instructor confirmation of an alternate exam date/time at least 3 business days prior to the exam date. 

NOTE: DS may request an alternative date/time due to scheduling constraints. This will be confirmed with the student and instructor in advance. 

If an exam appointment is not requested at least 3 business days prior to an exam, space for the exam is not guaranteed within the DS Test Center. Exam appointments requested less than 24 hours prior to the start of the exam are not able to be granted, and the student will work directly with the instructor to receive accommodations for testing. Students may request to alter a scheduled exam up to 24 hours prior to the in-class exam date with permission from the instructor.

  • Students will take their exam at the DS Test Center, located in Gruening 211. If a student is more than 20 minutes late to a scheduled test, the instructor will be notified to confirm approval of the late start and the student may be required to reschedule the test.
  • Students are responsible for their own personal exam materials (pen, pencil, and other approved materials). If a student forgets their personal exam materials and needs to go get them, they will only be given the remainder of the allotted time to complete the exam. Scratch paper is available if allowed by the instructor.
  • All coats, backpacks, purses, food, beverages and other personal items must be left in the reception area, in a locker or with a proctor, prior to entering the testing room. Only the materials allowed by the instructor for the exam will be allowed in the testing room with the exam.
  • Exam instructions will be reviewed with the student before the exam begins. The student will be held responsible for following these instructions at all times. Students will sign the test accommodation form acknowledging their accommodations for the exam, as well as the materials the instructor has approved to be used on the test.
  • Cameras are recording the testing room while students are taking tests. Cameras are monitored by Disability Services staff.
  • DS staff serving as readers, scribes, and proctors must be treated respectfully in order to use the Test Center. If staff are treated disrespectfully, the student will be required to leave immediately and use of the Testing Center will be suspended. To reinstate use of the Testing Center, students must meet with DS.
  • Any actual or suspected incident and/or evidence of improper test-taking or violation will be documented by the proctor, and the exam may be confiscated. Suspected violations will be seen as a Student Code of Conduct violation and reported to the professor and the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability

Readers and Scribes Policies


  • Readers can be asked to repeat information, do not hesitate to ask.
  • Readers will only read what is on the printed page and cannot be asked to define, explain, interpret or reword a question.


  • Scribes will write down verbatim what the student has dictated. The scribe is not responsible for organizing or paraphrasing the studentÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s thoughts into a final draft.
  • Scribes are responsible for general spelling and sentence ending punctuation, however students are responsible for directing the scribe for any spelling of specific class related terminology or punctuation within sentences.
  • At any time, students will have the opportunity to review what the scribe has written, by reading it or having it read to the student.

Confidentiality and Release of Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) deals specifically with the education records of students, affording them certain rights with respect to those records. For purposes of definition, education records are those records which are

1) directly related to a student and 

2) maintained by an institution or a party acting for the institution. 

FERPA gives students who reach the age of 18, or who attend a postsecondary institution, the right to inspect and review their own education records. Furthermore, students have other rights including the right to request amendment of records and to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from these records. 

FERPA applies to all educational agencies and institutions that receive funding under most programs administered by the Secretary of Education (34 C.F.R. 99.1). Almost all postsecondary institutions, both public and private, generally receive such funding and must, therefore, comply with FERPA. 

Under FERPA, students are given three primary rights. They have the right to: inspect and review their education records; have some control over the disclosure of information from their education records; and seek to amend incorrect education records

DS is required by law to have written approval by the student before obtaining or releasing information. DS can only release information generated by the DS office and will not release information obtained from other sources.

FERPA does not allow faculty or others to access disability related information.

DS retains information for seven years from the last date of contact with the student. Only DS staff have access to students files and information. 

Appeal Process

If a student should feel that they have been unfairly treated (either that appropriate accommodations were not granted by DS or that approved accommodations are not being provided by a faculty member), they should contact DS to set up a meeting. If after speaking with DS a reasonable resolution has not been met, the student should Contact the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. 

After the above informal process has been exhausted, a formal complaint may be filed. As per University Regulation, R09.06.05, which can be found at . The formal complaint should be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. 

The Vice Chancellor will assign one or more individuals knowledgeable in the area of ADA/Section 504 compliance or disability discrimination to review the complaint. The reviewer(s) will determine within a reasonable period of time whether state or federal law, RegentsÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ Policy, University Regulation, or University rules and procedures have been violated. If so, the reviewer(s) will recommend to the Vice Chancellor appropriate solutions, including academic adjustments and other programmatic accommodations. The Vice Chancellor's decision on the matter will be made after consultation with the chancellor or designee and such other persons as the chancellor deems appropriate. The Vice Chancellor's decision is final within the university.