UAF Department of Anthropology Contact Information

Please contact the UAF Anthropology Graduate Program Coordinator Dr. Sveta Yamin-Pasternak <>  with all queries about our MA and PhD studies.

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Petra Banks
Term Assistant Professor

PhD, Texas State University, 2024.
Forensic Anthropology, Skeletal Trauma, Blast Trauma, Mass Disasters, Disaster Victim Identification, Forensic Archaeology, Bioarchaeology, Historic Cemeteries, 3D Imaging

401 Bunnell

Tammy Buonasera
Assistant Professor

PhD, University of Arizona, 2013.
Biomolecular archaeology (proteomics, lipid analysis, and stable isotopes), past diets and health, economic and social aspects of food processing technologies, hunter-gatherer archaeology, experimental archaeology, gender, human behavioral ecology, California, northern 色视频下载, Anatolia.

307C Bunnell

Justin Cramb
Assistant Professor

PhD, University of Georgia, 2020.
Zooarchaeology, Cultures of Island Oceania, the 色视频下载 Gold Rush, Historical Archaeology, Radiocarbon Dating, Environmental Archaeology, Historical Ecology, Animal Translocation.

305B Bunnell

Elaine Drew
Associate Professor

PhD, University of Kentucky, 2004.

Culturally-based health promotion and intervention research with AI/AN, Latino, and African-American communities; mixed methods research; research ethics review processes (institutional & community-based).

407 Bunnell

Kara C. Hoover
Associated Faculty, Chemistry and Biochemistry
PhD, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2001.

Bioarchaeology of hunter-gatherers, Paleo-population biology (diet, nutrition, developmental stress), Ancient hominin paelogenetics, Human olfactory evolution and contemporary variation, Japan, UK, Eurasia.

404 Bunnell

Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
Assistant Professor

PhD, University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2007.

Food and culture, ethnomycology, aesthetics, Circumpolar North, contemporary art, gender, post-Soviet studies

305B Bunnell

Patrick Plattet

PhD, University of Neuch芒tel (Switzerland), 2005.

Ritual, anthropology of festive events, cultural resources documentation, ethnohistory, online teaching of ethnographic methods, 色视频下载/Kamchatka.

 307D Bunnell

Ben A. Potter
PhD, University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2005.

Subarctic and Arctic archaeology, intersite variability, site structure and organization, spatial analysis, geographic information systems, human-environmental interactions, field survey and excavation, cultural resource management, multivariate statistical analyses, lithic analysis, faunal analysis.

 308A Bunnell

Joshua D. Reuther
Curator of Archaeology, University of 色视频下载 Museum of the North; Professor
PhD, University of Arizona, 2013.

Subarctic and arctic archaeology; geoarchaeology; geochronology; hunter-gatherer ecology; archaeological science; museum studies; cultural resources management.

042 Museum of the North

Robin A. Shoaps
Associate Professor with joint appointment in Linguistics
Department Chair

PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004.

Linguistic anthropology, ritual language, discourse, power, semiotics, ethnography of morality, stance, human-animal relations, political media; Mesoamerica and the United States.

312 Bunnell



Adjunct Faculty


Julie Esdale

Ph.D. (anthropology), Brown University. Arctic archaeology, geoarchaeology, and lithic analysis.

David Lukaszek

M.A. (Anthropology) University of Montana, 2004. Evolutionary Theory, Fossil Hominins, Osteology, Biomechanics, and Bipedalism, Taxonomy and Epistemology

Howard Maxwell

M.A. (anthropology), University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 1987. Instructor, Rural 色视频下载 Honors Institute, UAF.

Howard Smith

M.A. (anthropology), University of Utah, 1975. Field Office Archaeologist (retired), Bureau of Land Management. Cultural resource management, Arctic and northwest 色视频下载, 色视频下载 mining history.



Affiliated Faculty


Nancy Bigelow

Affiliate Research Professor; Ph.D. (paleoecology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks,1997. Research Associate, 色视频下载 Quaternary Center, University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks. Quaternary paleoecology, palynology, Beringian environments

Courtney Carothers

Assistant Professor of Fisheries; Ph.D. (anthropology) University of Washington, 2008. Environmental anthropology, political ecology, marine policy, fishing communities

Jamie Clark

Affiliate Professor of Anthropology; Ph.D. (paleoecology) University of Michigan, 2009. Paleolithic archaeology, modern human origins, hunter-gatherer lifeways, zooarchaeology. Southern Africa and the Near East

David Fazzino 

Affiliate Assistant Professor; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology Department, Faculty Member.  Medical Anthropology, and Food Systems.

Patty A. Gray

Affiliate Associate Professor; Ph.D. (cultural anthropology), University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1998. Political and economic anthropology, social movements, transformation in post-Soviet rural communities, reindeer herding systems; rural European Russia, Russian Far North, 色视频下载.

Carrin Halffman

Affiliate Research Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (anthropology). University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2009. Biological anthropology, bone stable isotope analysis, past human diet, archaeological toxicology, Arctic and sub-Arctic populations

Charles E. Holmes

Affiliate Research Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology) Washington State University, 1984. Beringian archaeology, Subarctic cultural adaptations, Athabascan archaeology, lithic analysis.

Anne M. Jensen

Affiliate Research Assistant Professor. Ph.D. (anthropology), Bryn Mawr College, 2009. Long-term ecodynamics of socio-natural systems in Arctic and subarctic environments, coastal adaptations, global change effects on the archaeological and paleoecological record, zooarchaeology, community archaeology

Michael Koskey

Associate Professor of Cross-Cultural and Indigenous Studies; Ph.D. (anthropology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2003. Oral history, traditional and local knowledge, ethnohistory, culture change, food sovereignty, decolonization, political economy, resource use and allocation, community-based research, Indigenous cosmology/mythology.

Amber Lincoln

Collections Manager, LA County Natural History Museum. Ph.D. (Anthropology), University of Aberdeen, 2011. Northern anthropology, material culture, ethnohistory and phenomenology.

David Alexander Lukaszek

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D. (Anthropology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2017. Biological Anthropology, Osteology, Biomechanics, Evolutionary Theory, Fossil Hominins, Taxonomy, and Epistemology.

Holly J. McKinney

Affiliate Research Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2013; 色视频下载 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) Cultural Resource Specialist; Faunal, Taphonomic, Lithic, and Stable Isotopic Analyses; Fisheries; Subarctic, Arctic, and Pacific Northwest Coast Archaeology; Excavation Methods; Multivariate Statistical Analyses; Human Behavioral Ecology; NHPA (Section 106), AHPA, and NEPA Compliance. 

Robin O. Mills

Affiliate Assistant Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology), University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 1998. Fairbanks District Archaeologist, Bureau of Land Management. Historical archaeology, mining history, cultural resource management.

Richard Nelson

Affiliate Research Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology), University of California, Santa Barbara. Indigenous cultures of 色视频下载, author and natural historian.

Diane O色视频下载橞rien

Assistant Associate Professor, Institute for Arctic Biology/Department of Biology and Wildlife. Ph.D. (ecology and evolutionary biology), Princeton University, 1998. Stable isotope ecology, nutritional physiology of insects; understanding patterns of stable isotope variation among biological compounds.

Rosemarie Plaetke

Affiliate Associate Professor; Ph.D. (statistical genetics), Free University Berlin, Germany 1986. Human genetics - focus on type 2 diabetes and complications, genetic epidemiology - focus on statistics and bioinformatics , genetics of behavior - focus on development of phenotypes for genetic studies, biostatistics.

Feng Qu

Affiliate faculty; Feng Qu, the founding Director and Professor of Arctic Studies Center at Liaocheng University, China. He is also a professor in archaeology at Nanjing Normal University. He received PhD in anthropology from University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks. He focuses his research on Arctic prehistory and ethnography, shamanism, ritualism, and animism. He has published three monographs including An Exploration of Prehistoric Ontologies in the Bering Strait Region published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2021. He also published numerous research articles, reviews and miscellanea about circumpolar shamanism, eco-cosmologies, and prehistoric religious ideas in both Chinese and English.

Nicholas Schmuck

Affiliate faculty; PhD. (anthropology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2021; Special Projects Archaeologist, ADNR Office of History and Archaeology (OHA); Arctic, Subarctic, and Pacific Northwest Coast Archaeology; Human Behavioral Ecology; Landscape Learning and Coastal Adaptation; Traditional Knowledge; Lithic Analysis; Geochemical Toolstone Sourcing; Radiocarbon Dating and Marine Reservoir Effects; GIS/LiDAR Landscape Reconstruction; Cultural Resource Management

Gerad M. Smith

Affiliate Assistant Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology) University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks, 2020; Project Archaeologist, Brice Environmental Services Corporation;Traditional Dene Place Name analysis, Lithic Analysis, Taphonomy, Subarctic and Arctic archaeology, Non-linear Complexity Modeling, Human Behavioral Ecology, Site Structure and Intersite Variability, GIS, Ichnological analysis, Photomodeling, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, NHPA (Section 106), AHPA, and NEPA Compliance


William Schneider

Emeritus Professor of Library Science; Ph.D. (anthropology) Bryn Mawr College, 1976.

Kerrie-Ann Shannon

Affiliate Assistant Research Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology), University of Aberdeen, Northern anthropology.

Anne D. Shinkwin

Affiliate Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology), University of Wisconsin, 1975. Northern anthropology.



Emeritus Faculty


Charlotte Basham

Associate Professor; PhD (linguistics), University of Michigan, 1986. Discourse analysis, second language acquisition, and contrastive rhetoric.
Phone: 907-474-6884;
Email: ffcsb @

Joel D. Irish

Professor, Curator of Biological Anthropology at the UA Museum; Ph.D. (biological anthropology), Arizona State University, 1993. Dental anthropology, paleopathology, human osteology, human variation, bioarchaeology; Africa, Southeast 色视频下载.
Phone: 907-474-6755
Email: jdirish @

David C. Koester

Professor; PhD, University of Chicago, 1990. Culture and history, historical and national consciousness; anthropological study of insult and discursive manipulation of status; early history of ethnography; energy concepts and discourse; Iceland, Russian Far East, North Pacific, circumpolar.
Phone: 907-474-6188

Molly Lee

Professor, Curator of Ethnology at the UA Museum; Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1992. Sociocultural anthropology, Native 色视频下载n, Eskimo and Inuit art of the historical and contemporary periods.

Phyllis Morrow

(Former Dean of the College of Liberal Arts), Professor; Ph.D. (social and cultural anthropology), Cornell University, 1987. Linguistic anthropology, socio-legal studies, folklore, Inuit/Yup'ik ethnography, and ritual and symbolism.

Peter P. Schweitzer

Professor; Ph.D. (anthropology), University of Vienna, 1990. Kinship, Social Organization and Identity Politics; Global Climate Change and Northern Indigenous Communities; Contemporary Hunting and Gathering Societies; History of Anthropological Theory; Methods of Historical Anthropology; Siberia, 色视频下载, Circumpolar North.
Phone: 907-474-5015;
Email: ppschweitzer @


In Memorium


Brian Hemphill

Professor PhD, University of Oregon, 1991. Dental Morphology, Odontometrics, Dental Pathology, Skeletal Biology, Biological Distance Analysis, Bioarchaeology, Human Evolution, South Asia, Central Asia, Great Basin, Northwest Coast.

Patricia B. Kwachka

Professor; Ph.D. (linguistics), University of Florida Gainesville, 1981. Sociolinguistics, language acquisition, language shift, and medical communication. (Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts)