Famous For 15 Minutes Playwright Festival

logo April 30 - May 1st, 2005

Festival Director/Producer/Dramaturge : Timaree McCormick
Dramaturge: Lou Brown
Stage Managers: Abrah Fawvor & Fiona Lundquist
Lighting Director: Kade Mendelowitz
Board Operator: Stephanie Stowman

Selected photos at the bottom of this page.

Thin Air by Tom Coash

THIN AIR takes place on the platform of a circus tightrope walker. BIRD warms up and talks about her life as a circus performer, the confidence and grace needed to be successful. She tells of her heroes, the Flying Wallendas who after a tragic accident were back on the wire performing again within two days. We realize that this is the second day after her husband/performing partner, Alejandro, fell and was killed. She has lost not only her husband but the balance in her life. To emulate her heroes and continue to work, she must take that first step back on the wire.

Cast members

Tom Coash: Playwright and director, currently Director of New Play Development for Stageworks/Hudson.
Timaree McCormick, Director
BIRD Maya Salganek: For my husband, Da-ka-xeen.

The Psychic Act by Kathleen Young-Maple

Madame Ariel, a psychic is having trouble with her dead mother, who is her connection to the spirit world. The spirit mother nags her daughter about finding a nice man and reminds her of failed relationships including the most recent Internet boyfriend. When Ariel needs help connecting a customer with his dead wife, her mother refuses to help unless she promises to start dating again. With Ariel's promise to date again the mother tries to control fate from above as she sets the stage for her own psychic act.

Cast members

Kathleen Young-Maple: Recent grad of UAF currently working on her Masters of Library and Information Science Degree through Drexel University. She loves to create altered book art and write poetry about books. But first and foremost she is a mother of two daughters with an insatiable habit of sticking her nose in their business.
Andrew Cassel, Director: First appeared on a Fairbanks stage in Theatre UAFÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s Biloxi Blues in 1987. Since then he has worked with every theatre group in Fairbanks in various capacities: Currently heads the Dramatic Arts department at Monroe High School.
MADAME ARIEL Stephanie Patton : At UAF for two years now, grew up in Ketchikan. If thereÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s one thing she misses, itÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s the rain. Enjoyed theatre all 21 years of her life and is glad sheÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s getting into it again.
DEAD MOTHER Robyn Russell: By day, mild-mannered librarian, by night Middle Eastern dancer. Debuted in Dennis StephensÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ Being a Librarian. This is her second show!
MR SAUNDERS Dennis Stephens: Retired from the UAF faculty, where he was a librarian. From an 1890 Kephart magazine article, has adapted and produced a one-act play for 26 voices, Being a Librarian, which has been staged from Ottawa to Ester.
RICK BRUNNER Zachary Hochstetler: On top of his amazing good looks, which got him cast, are his mad Duck Huntâ„¢ skills. This may seem to some like it doesnÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t pertain to acting but it is, in fact, the most important skill.
SAPPHIRE Lorraine Pettit: Spends her day manipulating metals and turning them into jewelry. Other times she works in the UAF Costume Shop..

All Dressed in White by Rachel Blackwell

A comedy about a young girl's wedding. The wedding takes place at a zoo, which seems to be the appropriate place for this girl and her family.

Cast members

Rachel Blackwell: A junior theatre major in her second year at UAF, she is the President of the SDA. She has directed once and acted many times for Theatre UAF, but this is her first shot at playwriting.
Audrey Gibson, Director: A lifelong Fairbanksan who aspires to direct films. This is the first play she has written. She hopes to spend another year with Theatre UAF before going to film school in Toronto. She sends a big thank you to all those who made this festival possible!
ALICIA Keri Isles: A sophomore she has been in a few other productions. At the moment, sheÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s an English major addicted to soccer and music. She can frequently be found in the Wood Center.
TODD Brian Smart: Fell down a flight of stairs and hurt his head six weeks ago. Since then, heÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s adopted various fictional personae. If he approaches you, smile, nod, and walk away very slowly. Then report his whereabouts to the following number: 555-3242
BRIDGET Molly Corcoran Wilson: CanÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t think of any politically correct dead baby jokes. This is her fifth UAF performance.
MOM Cassandra Johnson: Traditionally one to lurk in the shadows, this is her first play. She probably wouldnÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t be here if her role wasnÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t part of a grander scheme that involves the fate of several galaxies. And puppies. She also finds waiting in third person to be quite empowering.
PAPA Tom Moran: 4-year Fairbanks resident and chronic UAF hanger-on. You may have seen him playing an assortment of husky fellows on local stages, most recently as The Chief in FDAÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. HeÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s worth his weight in Cheetos.
GRANDMOTHER By Valentine: A geek struggling to have a life (or maybe a midlife crisis) through theatre. She enjoyed her last performance as Jocasta in Theatre UAFÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s Oedipus Rex, although she is finding the post-show therapy expensive.
PANDA Ricky Pitts: Most likely the coolest panda ever to grace the UAF stage, he has performed as a thug, a father, and a greaser during his senior year in high school. Honored to be a part of the cast.
ZOOKEEPER Brandon Greenstreet : Master of the bit part, has been performing in small roles since his sophomore year in high school. This is his 3rd show at UAF with plans to do many more.

Inner Beauty by Jon-Kiefer Bowne

A genie enables a woman to test he boyfriend's affection for her inner beauty.

Cast members

Jon-Kiefer Bowne: A theatre major at UAF, he has been seen in numerous productions across the state. This is his first play.
Jeff Aldrich, Director: Directed Captive Audience and pieces for the Wearable Art fashion show at UAF.
ROB Jason Sanders: An anthropology major here at UAF, last year he performed in FDAÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s Six Degrees of Separation.
CAROL Sarah Duncan: No stranger to the stage, has been seen in shows all over town. Last seen as Catherine in FDAÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s production of Proof.
GENE Ben Coffroth: Transfer student from Evergreen State College where he studied dance and directing.
CARL Hans Thompson: A sophomore studying film. Last seen in Oedipus.

Nothing Anymore by Audrey Gibson

Is love a choice? You can choose your actions but is love an action...or an emotion? Do we ever choose our emotions; turn them on and off? And what can you do when your actions and emotions no longer match? The couple you are about to meet faces these questions, as we all do, whether we're conscious of it or not. What is the answer?

Cast members

Audrey Gibson: A lifelong Fairbanksan who aspires to direct films. This is the first play she has written. She hopes to spend another year with Theatre UAF before going to film school in Toronto. She sends a big thank you to all those who made this festival possible!
Joe Alloway, Director: His directorial debut and couldnÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t be happier about it. A 2-year veteran of the UAF stage, he hopes to continue experimenting with UAF for at least a couple more years.
MARK Joe Harris: He has been very busy in the theatre area this year, performing with Flot, FDA, and UAF. HeÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ll be traveling to New York this summer to take Dance, Auditioning and Musical Theatre classes at NYU, and if heÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s lucky stay there. ItÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s been fun, and enjoy the show.
ROSE Jenny Schlotfeldt: Oedipus, Come and Go Mad, Taming of the Shrew - UAF. The WinterÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s Tale, The Witches, Julius Caesar É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ“ FST. Tartuffe É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ“ FDA.
JAY Gerry Berman: A veteran faculty at UAF, played in both UAF mainstage plays this year: Taming of the Shrew and Oedipus. Looks like he has become quite attached to the theatre department.

Air by Patrick Roach

In a world connected, what are the rights of retail? What bounds capitalism and a free market? Air explores the ethics and morality of a world united by electronics but divided by politics.

Cast members

Patrick Roach: Studies English at UAF, but hopes to stop doing so soon.
Hans Thompson, Director: A sophomore studying film. Last seen in Oedipus.
SHAWNA June Thiele: A freshman, she will be majoring in theatre.
TED Keith Bluel: Would like to thank himself for getting off his butt and doing this and the irrepressible JDA. Hi mom!
SELLERS Andrew Cassel: First appeared on a Fairbanks stage in Theatre UAFÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s Biloxi Blues in 1987. Since then he has worked with every theatre group in Fairbanks in various capacities: Currently heads the Dramatic Arts department at Monroe High School.
NAFTAN R.P. Staska: A sophomore theatre major from Haines, AK. Last seen in Oedipus Rex. Would also like to thank God and converselyÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔئhis dog.

Naughty Boy or The Hustle by Carey Seward

Naughty Boy is a dungeon fantasy where a regular lunchtime domination forces Derrick and Tigerlily to explore the boundaries of their connection.

Cast members

Carey Seward: Senior in theatre performance who has written scripts for her films and adapted the script for the Winter Short Come and Go Mad but this is her first time as playwright. Theatre Director and Public Relations Officer for IME (Interior Media Evolution) and Board Member of Dance Omnium. Performs, teaches, and directs with local theatres in town. This summer will perform for the second year at Palace Theatre.
Ben Coffroth, Director: Transfer student from Evergreen State College where he studied dance and directing.
DERRICK Craig Brookes: A junior music and business student who just canÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™t seem to get enough of being onstage. Most recently seen in Come and Go Mad and Oedipus. Overjoyed to be working on another Carey Seward original script.
TIGERLILY Alexandra (Ali) Sattler: An art major hoping to become a fashion designer. She has done many things behind the scenes for the productions here at UAF, but this is her first time onstage.

Photo gallery