Refresh your online life

Oct. 5, 2021

Around the first snowfall is an excellent time to spruce up your personal information for the directory, update email signatures and review certain office procedures. YouÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ll be all set for a productive work winter!

  • UA Online self-service updates
    and review your personal information under the Personal Information tab, upper left. Make any necessary updates and select Confirm in each area before logging out. This will update the , too.
  • Phone updates
    Refresh your memory on , review , then remember to before Oct. 24 of this year.
  • Email updates
    Consider personalizing your emails by or updating your existing email signature with current contact information, department URLs and virtual office hours, and consider adding inspiring quotes or other touches that reflect you and your department. This is the perfect opportunity to update phone numbers in your signature to be .
  • Software and password updates
    and consider updating passwords. and consider scheduling reminders to check  for updates of software that you use often. 

If youÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™re on the Troth YeddhaÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ Campus, then after tackling these tasks, take a minute to grab a warm beverage from and settle into your early winter workday, knowing that youÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™re all set for the change of season!

If you have any questions on keeping your identity safe and workspace up to date, your .