Dr. Victor A. Zinger

Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

WHEREAS Dr. Victor A. Zinger has served the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks with distinction in teaching, research and service from 2002 to 2020; and he came to UAF after a varied career that began in his home country of Russia, where he earned degrees in mathematics and oceanography; and that brought him to teach high school in the U.S., first in Texas and then Southwest É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ; and

WHEREAS Dr. Zinger has taught students at community campuses across É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ, helping them successfully meet the math requirements for their academic degrees and certificates; and he has pioneered distance developmental math courses where students not only had a high pass rate but also succeeded in subsequent math courses; and he has a reputation for meeting studentsÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ needs with sensitivity, warmth and rigor; and

WHEREAS Dr. Zinger developed a successful, nationally recognized teaching method of preparing rural É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ students for success in college mathematics, in part by providing face-to-face and online support for high school teachers; and he has published multiple papers and given numerous presentations internationally on teaching methods; and

WHEREAS Dr. Zinger has served in the UAF Faculty Senate, as chair of the Universitywide Promotion and Tenure Committee and on the Statewide Steering Board for Distance Education;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks expresses its deep appreciation to Dr. Victor A. Zinger for his extensive contributions to the State of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ and to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks, in further recognition of the invaluable services rendered by Dr. Zinger and as evidence of the UniversityÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™s desire that his identification with the University be maintained, hereby confers upon Dr. Victor A. Zinger the title of Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be appropriately engrossed and signed by the Chancellor as further evidence of the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ FairbanksÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ esteem and respect for Dr. Victor A. Zinger, and conveyed to Dr. Zinger on this twenty-third day of May, 2020.