Engagement Policy for Enrolled Minors

UAF Policy 05.09.50

Original Adoption: 03/31/2023

Responsible Chancellor's Cabinet Member: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management

Responsible Department/Office: Student Affairs & Enrollment Management

Download policy (PDF)


Dual enrollment is increasing across the country and at the University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks UAF). These guidelines aim to promote a safe environment when members of the UAFcommunity interact with minor students. The UAF Protection of Minors (POM) Policy guides UAF community interactions with minors that are not students (e.g., summer camp attendees, participants in outreach events, etc.). Enrolling at UAF, as opposed to transient involvement at the University, comes with a higher level of responsibility, but also comes with a higher level of rights and freedoms with respect to movement on campus. This document is intended to provide guidance on how adults on campus should act with respect to minors who are students.


The UAF philosophy of minor participation in events and activities is guided by the pillars of Student Affairs: Advocacy, Support and Well-being. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are essential to the holistic support and well-being of all students at UAF, and all students are deserving of advocacy. 

  • We are responsible for building supportive and inclusive communities and forging educational partnerships that advance student learning, both inside and outside the classroom. 
  • We are committed to innovative collaboration with community stakeholders, including secondary educational partners.  
  • We strive to open access across campus, with exceptions being created due to restrictions by law or evaluated through policy.


  • Curricular Activities: class field trips, study groups, etc.
  • Co-Curricular Activities: academic clubs, competitions, performances, exhibits, etc.
  • Extracurricular Activities: clubs, concerts, traditions, sporting events, etc.



  1. Curricular Activities: To address unique risks associated with minors, overnight trips require following the UAF Protection of Minors Policy. This requires an authorized adult and a sleep supervision plan as well as other protections and safeguards. 

  2. Co-Curricular: To address unique risks associated with minors, overnight trips require following the UAF Protection of Minors Policy. This requires an authorized adult and a sleep supervision plan as well as other protections and safeguards. 

  3. Extracurricular: To address unique risks associated with minors, overnight trips require following the UAF Protection of Minors Policy. This requires an authorized adult and a sleep supervision plan as well as other protections and safeguards.

  4. Mindfulness of Boundaries:  When interacting with Minor Students, members of the UAF community should be aware of the vulnerability of Minors and themselves in such interactions, and be particularly aware of the importance of maintaining appropriate physical, emotional, and sexual boundaries in such interactions. Members of the UAF community must not engage in any covert or overt sexual behaviors with Minor Students, including seductive communication, gestures, depictions, physical or virtual contact that exploits, abuses or harasses. When it comes to dating, faculty members are in a position of power over all students that they teach, and should not date/have a sexual relationship with a student enrolled in their classes or that they advise. Faculty should never date Minor Students.

  5. Physical Contact:  Physical contact with Minor Students can be misconstrued both by the recipient and by those who observe it, and should occur only when nonsexual and otherwise appropriate, and never in private. Members of the UAF community must, before touching another person, especially a Minor Student, be aware of how physical touch with Minors can be perceived or received, and show prudent discretion in determining whether physical contact would be an appropriate expression of greeting, care, concern, instruction or celebration. Acceptable forms of physical contact with a Minor Student include high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, pats on the back or shoulder and side hugs. Types of physical contact to be avoided include tickling, rough-housing, wrestling, piggyback rides, any type of massage, and any form of unwanted affection.

  6. Discipline:  Minor students are subject to the same disciplinary procedures, and have the same rights and responsibilities, as all students. The Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities will maintain jurisdiction and purview over addressing alleged misconduct.

  7. One-on-one Interactions:  Unlike interactions with non-student Minors, one-on-one meetings with Minor Students are often necessary in the course of conducting University business. Such meetings may include office hours with faculty, academic advising meetings, and other types of meetings. In these cases, adults conducting these meetings should make sure they occur either 1) in a public area, 2) in a room where the interaction can be (or is being) observed, or 3) in a room with the door left open, or with a window that is not blocked/obscured. These are good practices generally for one-on-one meetings with students of all ages. It is also a best practice to ensure calendars are updated with meeting information. 

  8. Reporting Abuse:  Members of the UAF community must act when there is evidence of, or there is reasonable cause to suspect, that Minor Students are being abused in any way, whether in a UAF context or elsewhere. Suspected, observed or self-disclosed abuse or neglect must be reported to the appropriate UAF and civil authorities as described in the minor student module included in UAF Title IX training. 

  9. Drug and Alcohol Use; Other Prohibited Items:  When interacting with Minor Students, the possession and/or use of illegal drugs and the use of tobacco products or alcohol is prohibited. Members of the UAF community are prohibited from providing a Minor Student with alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, inappropriate videos, pornography or other such items.

  10. Gifts:  Members of the UAF community should not accept gifts from or give gifts to Minor Students without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.

  11. Communication: Communication with Minor Students is only allowed for the purpose of conducting UAF business or otherwise furthering the Program-related objectives. For the protection of all concerned, the key safety concept that will be applied to such communications is transparency. The following steps will reduce the risk of private or otherwise inappropriate communication:

    • Communication that is outside the role of the professional or volunteer relationship is prohibited.

    • Faculty, staff, and volunteers who use any form of electronic communications, including social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and text messaging to communicate with Minor Students, may only do so for activities involving UAF business and, to the extent possible, using a UAF address or site. If private communication best serves the Minor Student色视频下载檚 needs, a copy of the exchange should be retained.

    • Never photograph, film or otherwise record a Minor Student without the prior written consent of the Minor Student色视频下载檚 parent or guardian. Model Release Form


Failure to comply with this Policy is grounds for immediate removal from programs at the participant's expense, and for disciplinary action by the University. Any disciplinary action taken against employees by the University will follow the employment rules governing the individual's employment category. Participants who are not UAF employees or students are not subject to discipline, but may be excluded from UAF facilities or programs. As applicable, further action may include, but is not limited to, notification to regulatory or law enforcement agencies. Non-compliance with law may lead to arrest and fines by law enforcement agencies.




Students are given autonomy and freedom on a college campus. University officials will not be aware of all movement of minors involved on campus and will not monitor all forms of participation outside the classroom. The University will make a good faith effort at maintaining campus safety and remain vigilant to address concerns, as we do for our entire community.

All activities on campus, both formally organized and independently driven activities supporting academic success involve risk. The following risks should be considered when programming UAF events and activities.



Daniel M. White, Chancellor
University of 色视频下载 Fairbanks

Signed: 03/31/2023