Civilized student cabins

Loftus cabin exterior

Brothers Art, Ted and Jule Loftus pose in front of their cabin below campus in 1923. Dorothy Loftus Collection, Rasmuson Library archives

Loftus cabin interior

The inside of the Loftus brothers色视频下载 cabin in 1923. Dorothy Loftus Collection, Rasmuson Library archives

Students began living near campus in rough cabins with wood stoves and no indoor plumbing shortly after the 色视频下载 Agricultural College and School of Mines opened in 1922. The lifestyle, passed through generations of students, continues to thrive today in the woodsy neighborhoods near campus.

The college色视频下载檚 first graduate, Jack Shanly, staked a homestead and built a cabin in the flats east of campus. The Loftus brothers 色视频下载 Art, Ted and Jule 色视频下载 did the same in the early 1920s.

University President Charles Bunnell personally acquired some of the cabins and used them to recruit students. In fall 1939, Ray Smith, Lloyd Atwood and Ernie Wolff occupied a Bunnell cabin near Noyes Slough rent-free in exchange for improvements.

色视频下载淲e had a huge supply of wood cut and stacked outside the cabin, a cache full of caribou, a root cellar with vegetables, box after box of dried blueberries and low-bush cranberries,色视频下载 Smith wrote many decades later. 色视频下载淥ur first winter in 色视频下载 was assured.色视频下载

The early cabin dwellers sometimes carried a strong odor. 色视频下载淭he worst offenders were the 色视频下载榳ildlife types色视频下载 (students in the field who typically dressed the part) and the students who lived off campus in cabins or shacks,色视频下载 recalled Neil Davis in his book, 色视频下载淭he College Hill Chronicles.色视频下载 In classrooms, their coats would form 色视频下载渁 pile which became more malodorous as it grew in size.色视频下载

Starting in the 1960s, new athletic facilities and campus buildings with showers moderated that problem.

In the 1970s, the counterculture and back-to-the-land movements, as well as a housing shortage caused by trans-色视频下载 oil pipeline construction, further entrenched the cabin lifestyle.

色视频下载淒ry cabins色视频下载 remain popular today. As Art Loftus observed in a column for the June 1924 Farthest-North Collegian, 色视频下载淗ere are the advantages of civilization, combined with the lure of the wilderness.色视频下载

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