UAFAA Benefactor Fund

Established in 1998, the UAF Alumni Association Benefactor Fund unites alumni in the spirit of collective generosity. The UAF Alumni Association (UAFAA) Board meets annually to select recipients of the benefactor awards that support various groups and initiatives across the UAF Troth YeddhaÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ campus. In 2019 the UAFAA board approved a plan that provides two levels of benefactor gifts each year:

  1. A leadership gift of at least $10,000 that supports strategic initiatives on campus.
  2. Individual gifts of up to $1,000 for projects that support students and have a positive and visible impact on campus.

The University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks Alumni Association is pleased to recognize the following alumni benefactors for their generous contributions to the association. The contributions pay for projects that enhance student life at the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks.

  • for your department or club.

Benefactor Awards at Work

See photo caption and credit below image for description of image
Photo by Theresa Bakker.
UAF Alumni Association board members visit with Brooke Fisher '23 (center), then-president of the UAF Anthropological Society. The organization received a UAFAA Benefactor Fund grant for the Bunnell Building mural project.

Benefactor Award Recipients

  • Festival of Native Arts
  • UAF Cadet Club
  • UAF Film Club
  • UAF French Club
  • Pre-Veterinary Association
  • Rural Student Services Sports Club
  • Rural Student Services Study Hall
  • UAF Beading Club
  • Student Ceramics Arts Guild
  • Rural Student Services
  • The Wildlife Society UA Student Chapter
  • Yugtun Egmilta
  • UAF Native Games Club
  • Pre Veterinary Club
  • Troth Yeddha Dance Group
  • UAF Anthropological Society
  • Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group


Current benefactors

The University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks Alumni Association is pleased to recognize the following alumni benefactors for their generous contributions to the association. The contributions pay for projects that enhance student life at the University of É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ Fairbanks.

Gold level

Donations of $1,000 or more
  • David Abrams É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ94
  • Tom É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™10 and Mary É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™80 Albanese
  • John É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™05 and Judy Binkley
  • Tom Brice É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90
  • Meredith Cameron É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ09
  • Chevron
  • Doug* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™40 and Marcel Colp
  • Linda Gordon É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™65
  • Daryl É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™71 and Karen É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72 Haggstrom
  • Dolores Hammond
  • Kay Hinkley
  • Aftab Khan É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™88
  • Herb Lang É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™51 (Lang Family Fund)
  • Frank Matulich É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™76
  • Deborah Pomeroy
  • James Pruitt É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73
  • Ronald '58 and Dr. Sylvia Ruscett '57
  • Peter* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™58 and Joanne, Matric, Schust
  • Julia Scott É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™82
  • Lorna Shaw
  • Peggy Shumaker
  • Schust Family Trust
  • Raymond Smith É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™43, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™82
  • Eleanor Smith É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™75
  • Terry É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™63 and Meeta Thomas
  • UAF Alumni Association Fairbanks Chapter
  • Matthew Varga É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™98 & É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™10
  • Jeremy Vermilyea É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92
  • William É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™64 and Helga Watterson, Matric
  • Kenneth Weaver É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ88

Blue level

Donations of $500 - $999
  • Marsha Armstrong É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72
  • Dr. Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™71 and Joan Bundtzen
  • Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79 and Linda É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73 Bursiel
  • Donald É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™64 and Carol Callahan
  • Jim Dixon É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ90
  • Tina Drake É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™02
  • Ronald É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™58, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™88 and Fan Graham
  • Key Bank Foundation
  • Nicole Hallingstand É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™89
  • Keith É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™85 and Carolyn Hanneman (Matriculate)
  • John Hargesheimer '77
  • Ken and Cynthia Henry
  • Larry É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90 and Melani É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™84 Hinzman
  • Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ72 and Christy Hughes
  • Jo Ann Kuchle
  • Trent and Bonnie Latshaw
  • Robert Marovelli É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™50
  • Frank Matulich É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™76
  • Shannon McCarthy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™88
  • Bob É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™98 and Heather É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™96 Mitchell
  • Pete Pinney É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™88
  • George É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™98 and Chris Plumley
  • Barbara É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67 and Norman Richards
  • John Ryer É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™80
  • Angela Schmidt É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™99 and Chris Miller
  • Wallace Powers É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81
  • Richard Seifert
  • Jacqueline and Michael Tinker
  • Ann Tremarello É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™57
  • Joe Jr. É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81 and Marilyn Usibelli
  • Usibelli Coal Mine Foundation
  • Usibelli Foundation
  • Elaine* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™69 and Thomas É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70 Woodruff
  • Kenneth* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™62 and Kim*, Matric, Zonge

* Denotes deceased

White level

Donations up to $499
  • Robert Alexander É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90 and Becky Stemper É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™86
  • Theresa Bakker
  • James É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™82, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™83 and Kathleen Balko
  • Megan (Damario) Bean É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™06, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™12
  • Peggy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™96 and Ralph É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72 Beistline
  • Scott Bell '82
  • Patricia Bergdahl É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™78
  • Paula Bettano-Everts, Matric, and Rob Everts
  • Tim Borkowsky
  • Brent Bowman É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™99
  • Joan Braddock
  • Cheryl and James Bradley
  • Aisha É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™91 and Jon É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92 Bray
  • Brian É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™96 and Amber É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™97 Brubaker
  • Mary Brunton
  • Robert Bundtzen É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™71
  • Marlene Burrud, Matric*
  • Charlie É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™91 and Denise É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92 Busby
  • Donald & Carol Callahan
  • Hon. Howard Cameron (Matriculate)
  • Sheldon Clark É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™61*
  • Connie & Clem Clooten
  • Michelle Coombs
  • Art É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™53 and Helen Cort
  • Edward Cox É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™47*
  • Terry Cruikshank É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™10
  • John Davies É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™75 and Linda Schandelmeier É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™71
  • Barbara Day É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ91
  • Leonard Demaray É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79
  • Donna Dinsmore
  • Dawn Dinwoodie É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92
  • Wayne Donaldson É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ80
  • Lawrence Duffy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77
  • Thaddeus* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72 and Brenda É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™66 Dumas
  • Libby Eddy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92
  • Jane and Jay Edwards
  • Thomas Farrugia '18
  • Mary P. Fenlon É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™74
  • Daniel É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™94, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™97 and Deborah É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™93, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™98 Flodin
  • Birch and Jen Foster
  • Kim É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™74 and Marsha Francisco
  • Hilary Freeman, Matric
  • Barbara Fujimoto É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™13
  • Brenda Fuller É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73
  • Anthony Gasbarro É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79
  • Gary Gislason É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™66
  • Jason Gootee É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™05
  • Warren Griese É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™68, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™76, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™78
  • Ray Grover Jr É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™94
  • Nick* É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™57 and Hallie Hackenberger
  • Florence Hage É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70*
  • Keith and Carolyn Hanneman
  • John and Judy Hargesheimer
  • Harry Harker É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73
  • Gloria Hartley-Compeau É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™19
  • Lorena É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77 and Ian É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™78 Hegdal
  • Susan Henrichs
  • Bowman Hinckley, Matric
  • Jay Holmes É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™64
  • John É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ62 and Sally É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ61 Howard
  • Stacey Howdeshell É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™13, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™19
  • David Herbert
  • Doug É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™54 and Anne É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™53, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™61 Huber
  • John (Matric) and Karen Immel
  • A.E. Jarw
  • Cathryn Jelinek É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70
  • Tom É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ65 and Karen Johnson
  • G. Taylor II É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72 and Dianne, Matric, Jones
  • Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™94 and Carrie É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™87 Jordan
  • Katie Kennedy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™08
  • Bill É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77 and Cheryl É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™06 Kilgore
  • Russell Klapchuk É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81
  • David Klein É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™53
  • Cynthia Klepaski É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ80
  • Rebecca É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™94 and Eric É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™94 Klingler
  • Bernard Koebbe É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™79*
  • Carol É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™62 and Darrell É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™64 Korman
  • Donna Krier É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ64
  • Forrest Kuiper  É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™99, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™00, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™12
  • Sarah Isto
  • Rosalie LÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™Ecuyer É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™95
  • John Law É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™91 and Hongfei Lin
  • Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™53 and Jo Anne Lear
  • Lori Learned É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™97, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™00
  • Gerald Ledbetter É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ64, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ65
  • Ed Lewison É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™51 and Connie Hayes, Matric
  • Bart É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™75 and Mary É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™75 LeBon
  • Ronald & Val Lind
  • Mary Beth Loewen
  • Robert Marovelli É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™50
  • David Martin
  • William É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™66 and Donna McClure (Matriculate)
  • Vicki McConnell É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™95
  • Edmund McMahon É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70*
  • David É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™69 and Elizabeth É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67 McNab
  • Sheryl É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™08 and Jeff É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™91 Meierotto
  • Rank & Roswitha Miler
  • Derek Miller É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™03, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™11
  • Karen F. Miller É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™59
  • Ernst Mueller
  • Marie Nash É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67
  • Margaret Nelson É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™80
  • Maureen O'Neill É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™69
  • Takeshi* and Kumiko Ohtake
  • Alice Osborne, Matric*
  • Chet Paris É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™78, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81
  • Mohotti Perera '96
  • Sam Perera É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™96
  • Marian Petrick
  • Timothy Petty É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™17
  • Ann Pittman É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ83
  • George É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™90, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™98 and Chris Plumley
  • Jake Poole
  • Michael Potter
  • Kris Racina É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™06, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™09
  • Dave É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™89 and Mary Rausch
  • Terry É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™63 and Nancy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77 Reece
  • Whitham Reeve É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™69
  • Marie Reid É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™82
  • Peter Rhymer
  • Kate Ripley É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ11
  • Tom and Bonnie Roberts (Matriculate)
  • Bess Rounds É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™02
  • George Schaller É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ55, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ92
  • Gary & Kim Schofield
  • Steven Sinai É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™83
  • Judy Rae Smith
  • Alice Snodgrass É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™35*
  • Cindy Spanyers and Ed Flanagan
  • Tim Stallard É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™99, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™04
  • John Stauff É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™64
  • Gretchen É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™74 and Glen Straatsma
  • Emiko Strandberg É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™70
  • Dianne Tarnstrom É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67
  • Janet Taylor É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™76
  • Robert É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™58 and Virginia É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™60 Taylor
  • Dana É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™74 and Kay É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™83 Thomas
  • Craig J. Thompson É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™76
  • Pat and Julia Tielborg
  • Tonya Trabant É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™99, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™04 and Patrick McKenna
  • Teresa Chepoda Usibelli
  • Peter Van Flein
  • Wilson É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™77 and Priscilla Valentine
  • JeneÉ«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™ Vance É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73
  • A Wilson 
  • Jeremy Vermilyea
  • BJ Vinson É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™67
  • Ron É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™89 and Amanda É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™01, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™05 Wall
  • Bruce Walling É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™78, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™92
  • Ted Wallace
  • Arlene É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™61 and Fred É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™73 Walters
  • Martin Walther É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™87
  • Nevada Walton É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™96
  • Rachel Ward É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™14
  • Emma Warwick É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™38*
  • Rose Welton É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™84
  • Alicia White
  • Gay Ann White É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™71, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔؘ81
  • George White
  • Gina É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™66, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™68 and Vince Wickwar
  • Sally É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™62 and Richard É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™08 Wien
  • Blair É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™61 and Mary Wondzell
  • Glenna Wood É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™81, É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™83
  • Walter and Lisa Wood
  • William and Cindy É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™88 Wright
  • Wilson and Wilson CPAs INC
  • Rocky É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™69 and Sandra É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72 Wilson
  • James Winslade É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™83
  • Pamela Younker, Matric
  • Phil A. Younker Sr. É«ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ™72
  • Sandy and Margy Zabriskie

* Denotes deceased