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UAF affiliates are not required to put a damage deposit for equipment rentals, but Outdoor Adventures reserves the right to put a hold on a student or staff accounts if equipment is lost or damaged. Any damage or loss of the equipment will result in a billing to the undersigned with a full restitution required within ten (10) days. If the equipment is not returned or is a total loss you are responsible for the full replacement cost of the equipment. Your UAF account will be charged for any unpaid rental or damage charges. 4. Non UAF affiliates will be required to put a deposit on all rental equipment. The deposit will be returned when the equipment is returned in good condition and clean. Any damage or loss of the equipment will result in a billing to the undersigned with a full restitution required within ten (10) days. If the equipment is not returned or is a total loss you are responsible for the full replacement cost of the equipment. 5. Renter shall inspect any item before renting and list concerns with equipment in the Inspection Notes section, below. My initial here indicate I inspected the equipment and noted any concern. Renter Initials: _______. 6. All equipment must be returned organized, clean, dry, and in the same condition as when it was loaned, normal wear and tear excepted. Upon return of the equipment, the condition of the equipment will be inspected. The Renter shall be liable for any damage that occurs to the equipment while in his/her possession. The extent and existence of damage to the equipment will be determined at the sole discretion of the Outdoor Adventure employees. If any part of equipment is damaged or lost and can be replaced, the cost of the part will be assigned as a damage fee. If the equipment is rendered permanently unusable, the Renter will be charged the full replacement price. 7. This rental agreement may not be terminated by the renter; however, Outdoor Adventures reserves the right to terminate this rental agreement if conditions develop to warrant such action. 8. The rental fee is paid when the equipment is picked up. A late fee of 100% of the daily rental rate will be assessed per item for each day an item is late. 9. The Renter understands that the use of recreational outdoor rental equipment involves risk, including risk of serious bodily injury, property damage, or even death. In consideration for being able to use Universitys equipment, the Renter assumes these risks and agrees to indemnify and hold the University, its employees, or volunteers harmless if the renter or anyone else brings claims against the University to recover damages of any kind for injuries, accidents, or other incidents which may occur while using, transporting, or handling the rental equipment. 10. By my signature, I certify that I have knowingly and voluntarily signed this AGREEMENT with the intent that it be a legally binding document designed to protect the University and other RELEASED PARTIES from any and all CLAIMS which could be brought by myself or anyone else on account of INJURY or DEATH to me, regardless of cause or fault. SIGNATURE: DATE: _______ ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: _______ INSPECTION NOTES: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19:QU_ap q r u       ) * / 0 2 @ N W  ŽŒ|t|l|l|l|l|l|d||||hEaCJaJhp*CJaJhCJaJhp*hiCJaJhp*hR* CJaJh.YCJaJhp*hMV;CJaJhp*hMV>*CJaJhp*hMVCJaJhI}CJaJhp*hp*CJaJheAhMVCJaJhEahMV5CJaJhEahEa5CJaJhEahi5CJaJ':PQq r ! " 7 8 gh'(^_gd 2 `]`gdp*$a$  ! 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