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Contained herein are regulations and procedures to guide the evaluation processes and to identify the bodies of review appropriate for the university. The university, through the UAF Faculty Senate, may change or amend these regulations and procedures from time to time and will provide adequate notice in making changes and amendments. These regulations shall apply to all of the units within the University of ÉŤĘÓĆľĎÂÔŘ Fairbanks, except in so far as extant collective bargaining agreements apply otherwise. The provost is responsible for coordination and implementation of matters relating to procedures stated herein. Chapter II Initial Appointment of Faculty A. Criteria for Initial Appointment Minimum degree, experience and performance requirements are set forth in “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter IV. Exceptions to these requirements for initial placement in academic rank or special academic rank positions shall be submitted to the chancellor or chancellor’s designee for approval prior to a final selection decision. B. Academic Titles Academic titles must reflect the discipline in which the faculty are appointed. C. Process for Appointment of Faculty with Academic Rank Deans of schools and colleges, and directors when appropriate, in conjunction with the faculty in a unit, shall observe procedures for advertisement, review, and selection of candidates to fill any vacant faculty position. These procedures are set by UAF Human Resources and the Campus Diversity and Compliance (AA/EEO) office and shall provide for participation in hiring by faculty and administrators as a unit. D. Process for Appointment of Faculty with Special Academic Rank Deans and/or directors, in conjunction with the faculty in a unit, shall establish procedures for advertisement, review, and selection of candidates to fill any faculty positions as they become available. Such procedures shall be consistent with the university’s stated AA/EEO policies and shall provide for participation in hiring by faculty and administrators in the unit. E. Following the Selection Process The dean or director shall appoint the new faculty member and advise him/her of the conditions, benefits, and obligations of the position. If the appointment is to be at the professor level, the dean/director must first obtain the concurrence of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee. F. Letter of Appointment The initial letter of appointment shall specify the nature of the assignment, the percentage emphasis that is to be placed on each of the parts of the faculty responsibility, mandatory year of tenure review, and any special conditions relating to the appointment. This letter of appointment establishes the nature of the position and, while the percentage of emphasis for each part may vary with each workload distribution as specified in the annual workload agreement document, the part(s) defining the position may not. Chapter III Periodic Evaluation of Faculty General Criteria Criteria as outlined in “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter IV, evaluators may consider, but shall not be limited to, whichever of the following are appropriate to the faculty member’s professional obligation: mastery of subject matter; effectiveness in teaching; achievement in research, scholarly, and creative activity; effectiveness of public service; effectiveness of university service; demonstration of professional development and quality of total contribution to the university. For purposes of evaluation at UAF, the total contribution to the university and activity in the areas outlined above will be defined by relevant activity and demonstrated competence from the following areas: 1) effectiveness in teaching; 2) achievement in scholarly activity; and 3) effectiveness of service. Bipartite Faculty Bipartite faculty are regular academic rank faculty who fill positions that are designated as performing two of the three parts of the university’s tripartite responsibility. The dean or director of the relevant college/school shall determine which of the criteria defined above apply to these faculty. Bipartite faculty may voluntarily engage in a tripartite function, but they will not be required to do so as a condition for evaluation, promotion, or tenure. B. Criteria for Instruction A central function of the university is instruction of students in formal courses and supervised study. Teaching includes those activities directly related to the formal and informal transmission of appropriate skills and knowledge to students. The nature of instruction will vary for each faculty member, depending upon workload distribution and the particular teaching mission of the unit. Instruction includes actual contact in classroom, correspondence or electronic delivery methods, laboratory or field and preparatory activities, such as preparing for lectures, setting up demonstrations, and preparing for laboratory experiments, as well as individual/independent study, tutorial sessions, evaluations, correcting papers, and determining grades. Other aspects of teaching and instruction extend to undergraduate and graduate academic advising and counseling, training graduate students and serving on their graduate committees, particularly as their major advisor, curriculum development, and academic recruiting and retention activities. Effectiveness in Teaching Evidence of excellence in teaching may be demonstrated through, but not limited to, evidence of the various characteristics that define effective teachers. Effective teachers a. are highly organized, plan carefully, use class time efficiently, have clear objectives, have high expectations for students; b. express positive regard for students, develop good rapport with students, show interest/enthusiasm for the subject; c. emphasize and encourage student participation, ask questions, frequently monitor student participation for student learning and teacher effectiveness, are sensitive to student diversity; d. emphasize regular feedback to students and reward student learning success; e. demonstrate content mastery, discuss current information and divergent points of view, relate topics to other disciplines, deliver material at the appropriate level; regularly develop new courses, workshops and seminars and use a variety of methods of instructional delivery and instructional design; may receive prizes and awards for excellence in teaching. Components of Evaluation Effectiveness in teaching will be evaluated through information on formal and informal teaching, course and curriculum material, recruiting and advising, training/guiding graduate students, etc., provided by: a. systematic student ratings, i.e. student opinion of instruction summary forms, and at least two of the following: b. narrative self-evaluation, c. peer/department chair classroom observation(s), d. peer/department chair evaluation of course materials. C. Criteria for Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity Inquiry and originality are central functions of a land grant/sea grant/space grant university and all faculty with a research component in their assignment must remain active as scholars. Consequently, faculty are expected to conduct research or engage in other scholarly or creative pursuits that are appropriate to the mission of their unit, and equally important, results of their work must be disseminated through media appropriate to their discipline. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize the distinction between routine production and creative excellence as evaluated by an individual's peers at the University of ÉŤĘÓĆľĎÂÔŘ and elsewhere. 1. Achievement in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Whatever the contribution, research, scholarly or creative activities must have one or more of the following characteristics: They must occur in a public forum. They must be evaluated by appropriate peers. They must be evaluated by peers external to this institution so as to allow an objective judgment. They must be judged to make a contribution. 2. Components of Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Evidence of excellence in research, scholarly, and creative activity may be demonstrated through, but not limited to: a. Books, reviews, monographs, bulletins, articles, proceedings and other scholarly works published by reputable journals, scholarly presses, and publishing houses that accept works only after rigorous review and approval by peers in the discipline. b. Competitive grants and contracts to finance the development of ideas, these grants and contracts being subject to rigorous peer review and approval. c. Presentation of research papers before learned societies that accept papers only after rigorous review and approval by peers. d. Exhibitions of art work at galleries, selection for these exhibitions being based on rigorous review and approval by juries, recognized artists, or critics. e. Performances in recitals or productions, selection for these performances being based on stringent auditions and approval by appropriate judges. f. Scholarly reviews of publications, art works and performance of the candidate. g. Citations of research in scholarly publications. h. Published abstracts of research papers. i. Reprints or quotations of publications, reproductions of art works, and descriptions of interpretations in the performing arts, these materials appearing in reputable works of the discipline. j. Prizes and awards for excellence of scholarship. l. Awards of special fellowships for research or artistic activities or selection of tours of duty at special institutes for advanced study. m. Development of processes or instruments useful in solving problems, such as computer programs and systems for the processing of data, genetic plant and animal material, and where appropriate obtaining patents and/or copyrights for said development. D. Criteria for Public and University Service Public service is intrinsic to the land grant/sea grant/space grant tradition, and is a fundamental part of the university’s obligation to the people of its state. In this tradition, faculty providing their professional expertise for the benefit of the university’s external constituency, free of charge, is identified as “public service.” The tradition of the university itself provides that its faculty assumes a collegial obligation for the internal functioning of the institution; such service is identified as “university service.” 1. Public Service Public service is the application of teaching, research, and other scholarly and creative activity to constituencies outside the University of ÉŤĘÓĆľĎÂÔŘ Fairbanks. It includes all activities which extend the faculty member’s professional, academic, or leadership competence to these constituencies. It can be instructional, collaborative, or consultative in nature and is related to the faculty member’s discipline or other publicly recognized expertise. Public service may be systematic activity that involves planning with clientele and delivery of information on a continuing, programmatic basis. It may also be informal, individual, professional contributions to the community or to one’s discipline, or other activities in furtherance of the goals and mission of the university and its units. Such service may occur on a periodic or limited-term basis. Examples include, but are not limited to: Providing information services to adults or youth. Service on or to government or public committees. Service on accrediting bodies. Active participation in professional organizations. Active participation in discipline-oriented service organizations. Consulting. Prizes and awards for excellence in public service. Leadership of or presentations at workshops, conferences, or public meetings. Training and facilitating. Radio and TV programs, newspaper articles and columns, publications, newsletters, films, computer applications, teleconferences and other educational media. Judging and similar educational assistance at science fairs, state fairs, and speech, drama, literary, and similar competitions. 2. University Service University service includes those activities involving faculty members in the governance, administration, and other internal affairs of the university, its colleges, schools, and institutes. It includes non-instructional work with students and their organizations. Examples of such activity include, but are not limited to: Service on university, college, school, institute, or departmental committees or governing bodies. Consultative work in support of university functions, such as expert assistance for specific projects. Service as department chair or term-limited and part-time assignment as assistant/associate dean in a college/school. Participation in accreditation reviews. Service on collective bargaining unit committees or elected office. Service in support of student organizations and activities. Academic support services such as library and museum programs. Assisting other faculty or units with curriculum planning and delivery of instruction, such as serving as guest lecturer. Mentoring. Prizes and awards for excellence in university service. Professional Service Editing or refereeing articles or proposals for professional journals or organizations. Active participation in professional organizations. Active participation in discipline-oriented service organizations. Committee chair or officer of professional organizations. Organizer, session organizer, or moderator for professional meetings. Service on a national or international review panel or committee. Evaluation of Service Each individual faculty member’s proportionate responsibility in service shall be reflected in annual workload agreements. In formulating criteria, standards and indices for evaluation, promotion, and tenure, individual units should include examples of service activities and measures for evaluation appropriate for that unit. Excellence in public and university service may be demonstrated through, e.g., appropriate letters of commendation, recommendation, and/or appreciation, certificates and awards and other public means of recognition for services rendered. E. Unit Criteria, Standards and Indices Unit criteria, standards and indices are recognized values used by a faculty within a specific discipline to elucidate, but not replace, the general faculty criteria established in B, C, D, above, and in “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter IV for evaluation of faculty performance on an ongoing basis and for promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), and post-tenure review. Unit criteria, standards and indices may be developed by those units wishing to do so. Units that choose not to develop discipline-specific unit criteria, standards and indices must file a statement stating so with the Office of the Provost, which shall serve as the official repository for approved unit criteria, standards and indices. A unit choosing to develop discipline-specific criteria, standards and indices shall have such criteria, standards and indices approved by a majority of the discipline faculty. The unit criteria, standards and indices will be reviewed and approved by the cognizant dean who will forward the unit criteria, standards and indices to the provost. The provost will review for consistency with BOR and UAF policies and will forward these criteria, standards and indices to the Faculty Senate, which shall review and approve all discipline-specific criteria according to a process established by the Faculty Senate. Unit criteria, standards and indices will be reviewed at least every five (5) years by the faculty of the unit. When reorganization results in a unit’s placement in another college/school structure, the cognizant dean, in consultation with the unit faculty shall review unit criteria, standards and indices and revise if warranted. Unit criteria, standards and indices approved by the Faculty Senate prior to a unit’s reorganization shall remain in effect until reviewed and revised. Revision of unit criteria, standards and indices must follow the review process established by the Faculty Senate. If the unit criteria, standards and indices are not revised, a statement of reaffirmation of the current unit criteria, standards and indices must be filed with the Office of the Provost, following the review. Unit criteria, standards and indices, when developed by the faculty and approved by the Faculty Senate, must be used in the review processes by all levels of review. Their use is NOT optional. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate for promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), and post-tenure review to include these approved unit criteria, standards and indices in the application file. F. Annual Evaluation of Non-tenured Faculty with Academic Rank 1. Process of Evaluation There will be annual evaluations of all untenured faculty members holding academic rank. Each faculty member shall submit a professional activities report to the campus director or college/school dean according to a schedule announced by the provost. The annual professional activities report will be accompanied by a current curriculum vita. The evaluations performed by the campus director or college/school dean shall include explicit statements on progress toward meeting criteria for tenure and promotion in their written evaluations. The dean’s/director’s evaluation shall reference the faculty member’s workload agreement in commenting on progress. The director or dean shall provide a copy of a written evaluation to the faculty member. In the case of a faculty member having a joint appointment, the dean will coordinate the review and recommendation with the director as appropriate. G. Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Members 1. Frequency of Evaluation All tenured faculty at UAF shall be evaluated once every three years according to a schedule and process announced by the provost. For tenured faculty with joint appointments, the cognizant dean will arrange a review that assures that all appropriate administrators provide a written evaluation of the faculty member. The dean will inform the faculty member of these arrangements. 2. Annual Activities Report All tenured faculty shall prepare a professional activities report annually and submit it to the dean or director according to a schedule announced by the provost. H. Evaluation of Faculty with Special Academic Rank Special academic rank faculty are appointed for a specified period of time. They are to provide evidence of effectiveness in their assigned responsibilities during the term of their appointment when requested by their college/school dean or institute director according to the process set forth by the provost. 1. Process of Evaluation The college/school dean or institute director shall require an annual activities report of a faculty member who has an appointment renewed beyond the initial year of appointment. The review process outlined above for academic rank faculty shall apply. The optional process for the development and approval of the unit criteria, standards and indices as outlined above in Chapter III, E. shall also apply to the definition and evaluation of faculty in special academic rank positions. The appointment to special academic rank shall terminate on the date specified in the letter of appointment, and implies no expectation of a subsequent appointment. Chapter IV Evaluation Process for Retention, Promotion, Tenure and Post-Tenure Review A. Linkage of Promotion/Tenure An award of tenure is concurrent with promotion and vice versa. Any faculty member applying for promotion to the associate professor level must also apply for tenure; and a faculty member at the rank of assistant professor may not apply for tenure without concurrently seeking advancement to the rank of associate professor. B. Faculty with Academic Rank 1. Criteria and Eligibility A record of continuing effective performance shall be expected. Procedures, performance criteria and requirements are set forth in the “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” and in policies of the Board of Regents and the regulations of the university system currently in effect and as they may change. 2. Notification Before the end of the academic year, the provost will announce the deadline for submission of files for tenure, promotion, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only) and post-tenure review for review during the next academic year. The dean of each college or school in consultation with the institute or campus director, when appropriate, will compile a list of faculty members who are required to stand for tenure review during the next academic year and send written notification to each of these faculty members advising them that they must stand for review and should begin compiling their file. The dean, in consultation with the institute or campus director, will also distribute an announcement to all faculty requesting that the dean be notified if anyone wishes to stand for tenure evaluation prior to the mandatory year of review, or wishes to apply for promotion during the next academic year. This notification of intent should be submitted to the dean before the end of May. This will help assure that any problems in minimum eligibility are resolved before the review begins. The provost will prepare and distribute guidelines for preparation of a candidate’s file, a schedule of review levels and deadlines, and the unit criteria, standards and indices as appropriate. 3. Composition of the File It is the responsibility of the faculty member to prepare a file of materials documenting how s/he has met the criteria for relevant type of review. The file shall be comprised of a summative statement of the candidate’s overall contributions in teaching, scholarly activity, and service in accord with the candidate’s terms of appointment and workload distributions; a current curriculum vitae; and a cumulative professional activities reports since his/her latest promotion, or the last six (6) years (whichever comes first), or the since date of hire as in the case of those faculty undergoing 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), with required supporting materials and subsequent evaluations. The review schedule shall assure that each file is complete with all required information before the initial level of review takes place. 4. Access to the Candidate’s File Access to the candidate’s file will be limited to the candidate and, during the official review periods established by the provost, the appropriate personnel at each review level (department chair, unit peer committee, dean and/or director, university-wide promotion and tenure committees, provost, chancellor, and staff as designated at the level of review). On items already referenced in the prepared file, the candidate may add supporting documentation, such as letters of acceptance of a manuscript or grant proposal awarded, at any time during the review process. Other information or documentation may be added as an attachment to the candidate’s comments at each stage of review. At the discretion of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee (i.e. provost), the provost may permit a cognizant dean/director and department chair access to a candidate’s file at subsequent levels of review. 5. Review Process Promotion and tenure of a faculty member results from a multi-level process of evaluation beginning in the academic unit of the candidate. a. Definition of the Unit For purposes of faculty evaluation, promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), and post-tenure reviews, a unit is defined either as an academic discipline or a department/cluster/unit as determined by the college/school dean or institute/campus director as appropriate, with the consent of the faculty members of that department/cluster/unit. b. Unit Peer Review The tenured faculty in a unit as defined in Chapter IV, B.5a. above will constitute the unit peer review committee for faculty in that unit participating in promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), and post-tenure review. The unit peer review committee must include all tenured faculty members from the discipline in which the candidate is being evaluated. The unit peer review committee shall be composed of at least five (5) tenured faculty at the same or higher rank as the unit member being reviewed, with at least three (3) at the rank of full professor. Committees may determine whether discussions will be open or closed to the public and/or the candidate. The vote of the unit peer review committee, however, shall be closed to the public and the candidate. The unit peer review committee vote and written substantive rationale that includes the majority recommendation and minority opinion, without individual attribution, shall be provided to the dean, director or designee. A copy or the written statement shall be provided to the faculty member being reviewed. Nothing shall preclude the department chair from serving as a peer reviewer and providing a department chair perspective as part of the committee’s deliberations. A faculty member serving on a university-wide peer committee and the unit peer review committee may participate in the review of a unit peer faculty member’s file at both levels of review, but he/she shall vote at only one level. Each unit peer review committee shall develop written operating procedures in advance of any review of files. A copy of these procedures shall be submitted to the provost prior to review of any files. Each unit peer review committee must elect a chair at least annually. c. Levels of Review The candidate for promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only), and post-tenure review shall prepare and submit a file according to the schedule published by the provost. All members of the unit peer committee shall review all files for promotion, tenure, 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only) and post tenure review from that unit. The levels of review for United Academics – AAUP/AFT faculty are, in this order, the department chair (at the desire of the dean), unit peer review committee, the dean, in coordination with the director in the case of joint appointments, the university-wide review committee, the provost and the chancellor who will make the final decision. 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review and post-tenure review files proceed to the level of the chancellor only at the request of the candidate. The levels of review for ACCFT faculty are, in this order, the campus or unit director, the unit peer review committee, the executive dean, the university-wide committee, the provost and the chancellor who will make the final decision. For ACCFT faculty, the review begins with the campus or unit director who shall review all files for promotion and tenure and submit a narrative evaluation and make a positive or negative recommendation and forward the file to the executive dean who in turn will forward it to the unit peer review committee. The dean of the school/college, in consultation with the joint-appointment dean/director when appropriate, shall evaluate the file and prepare a written recommendation or a written summary of the combined dean/director recommendation for or against tenure and/or promotion of the candidate. In the case of 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only) files the dean, and director, where appropriate, shall determine if the candidate is making satisfactory progress toward promotion and tenure and shall provide a written summary, including recommendations if the progress is not satisfactory. In the case of post-tenure review the dean and director, where appropriate, shall review the file and provide written comments evaluating evidence of sustained performance according to the relevant criteria for rank. The dean will forward the file and the candidate’s response to the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost collects and maintains all candidate files and provides the university-wide promotion and tenure review committees access to the files for their review and recommendation. There are two university-wide promotion and tenure review committees, one reviewing files for faculty in the United Academics – AAUP/AFT bargaining unit and one reviewing files for faculty in the ACCFT bargaining unit. A separate university-wide committee reviews all 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review (United Academics only) and post-tenure review files. The university-wide promotion and tenure review committee shall provide a recommendation, along with the record of the committee’s vote and a substantive rationale that includes the majority recommendation and minority opinion, to the provost. The provost shall review and evaluate all files and make his/her recommendation to the chancellor. The chancellor shall evaluate the files and make a decision to promote or not; and notify the candidate of his/her decision. d. Constitution and Operation of the University-wide Review Committees For the purpose of evaluation for tenure and/or promotion of members of the United Academics – AAUP/AFT bargaining unit, the Faculty Senate will present a list of the names of seven (7) tenured unit members holding the rank of associate professor or professor to the provost who will select the committee or committees. Each unit peer review committee may nominate one of its members to serve. The list will be determined from those nominees by vote of all faculty who serve on unit peer review committees. Faculty shall remain on the list for a term of two years with the terms being staggered. No specific peer review committee can be represented by more than one person. A faculty member shall not serve as a member of the university-wide promotion and tenure committee in the year in which s/he is a candidate for promotion. For the purpose of 4th year comprehensive and diagnostic review of members of the United Academics – AAUP/AFT bargaining unit, the Faculty Senate will present a list of names of seven (7) faculty members to the provost who will select the committee or committees. Each unit peer review committee may nominate one of its members to serve. The list may be determined from those nominees by vote of all faculty who serve on unit peer review committees. Faculty shall remain on the list for a term of two years with the terms being staggered. No more than one faculty member on the list can be a member of any specific peer review committee. For the purpose of post-tenure review of members of the United Academics – AAUP/AFT bargaining unit, the Faculty Senate will present a list of names of seven (7) faculty members to the provost who will select the committee or committees. Each unit peer review committee may nominate one of its members to serve. The list may be determined from those nominees by vote of all faculty who serve on unit peer review committees. Faculty shall remain on the list for a term of two years with the terms being staggered. No more than one faculty member on the list can be a member of any specific peer review committee. A faculty member shall not serve as a member of the university-wide committee reviewing post-tenure files in the year in which s/he is undergoing post-tenure review. For the purpose of evaluation for tenure and/or promotion of members of the ACCFT bargaining unit, the College of Rural ÉŤĘÓĆľĎÂÔŘ executive dean will present a list of the names of nine (9) faculty members to the provost who will select the committee or committees. The list will be selected from the tenured faculty in the ACCFT bargaining unit by vote of that faculty. Faculty shall remain on the list for a term of two years with the terms being staggered. A faculty member shall not serve as a member of the university-wide promotion and tenure committee in the year in which s/he is a candidate for promotion. The committee reviewing ACCFT faculty will be comprised of seven (7) members, five (5) chosen from the list of nine (9), augmented by two (2) members from the committee reviewing United Academics – AAUP/AFT faculty. The chair of the unit peer review committee or his/her designee will present the file to the university-wide committee and may participate in the discussion of the candidate’s application for promotion and/or tenure. The committee shall elect a chair from its membership. The committee shall establish operating rules and procedures in advance of review of any files and submit these to the Office of the Provost. A faculty member serving on a university-wide peer committee and the unit peer review committee may participate in the review of a unit peer faculty member’s file at both levels of review, but s/he shall vote at only one level. The university-wide promotion and tenure committees may determine whether discussions will be open or closed to the public and/or candidate. The vote of the committees shall be closed to the public and the candidate. The vote of the committees and written substantive rationale that includes the majority recommendation and minority opinion, without individual attribution, shall be provided to the provost. Candidate Review The candidate shall have an opportunity to review the recommendations made at each level and may submit comments regarding recommendations. Additional materials may be added to the file by the candidate only as an attachment to the candidate’s response. 6. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration A faculty member who is denied tenure and/or promotion may request reconsideration in accordance with the dispute resolution process identified in the extant collective bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member. C. Faculty with Special Academic Rank 1. Eligibility As stated in BOR and UAF policies, faculty with special academic rank appointments are not eligible for tenure. As further stated in “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter III.1.c. (2), faculty with special academic rank appointments are not eligible for promotion, with the following specific exception: Faculty with the special academic rank titles of “Research” or “Clinical” are eligible to apply for promotion to the next level of rank applicable to special academic rank faculty. 2. Criteria for Evaluation The general criteria for evaluation of performance are those set forth in “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter IV.A. and B. Although the quality of performance expected for promotion in the special “Research” or “Clinical “ ranks is equivalent to that described for academic rank faculty, the effectiveness or productivity level is expected to be greater for these faculty in the focused area of faculty workload responsibility. Additional considerations such as the following may be included in evaluating performance of faculty with qualified rank: success in securing external funding; attraction of national and/or international working agreements and symposia/conferences; significant work in progress, etc. 3. Notification The provost shall announce the deadlines for submitting applications for promotion. Each eligible faculty member intending to stand for promotion shall inform the appropriate dean or director in writing by the end of May of the academic year immediately preceding the fall semester in which the applicant’s file is submitted of his/her intention to request promotion. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty member to prepare a file of materials according to the guidelines for preparation of files as put forth by the provost documenting how s/he has met the criteria for promotion to the requested rank. 4. Promotion Review Process for Eligible Special Academic Rank Faculty a. A faculty member who holds a special academic rank title of “Research” or “Clinical” should evaluate his/her performance record to determine if the minimum expectations set forth in the “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies” have been met. If the application is submitted in the final year of the term appointment, the university is not obligated to offer a renewed appointment even if the faculty member is recommended for promotion. Any subsequent appointments which are negotiated, however, shall be made at the higher rank if consistent with the promotion decision. Promotion of a faculty member with a research or clinical appointment in rank shall result from a multi-level review process involving faculty peers and appropriate administrators. Peer Review The senior special academic rank faculty will normally constitute the peer review committee for special academic rank faculty applying for promotion. In the case in which there are not the requisite number of senior special academic rank faculty, the provost may augment a peer review committee by adding tenured faculty to achieve the minimum number required. The senior special academic rank faculty shall be responsible for developing written procedures and descriptions of the internal organization necessary to achieve a comprehensive and fair evaluation. These procedures and descriptions shall be approved by the cognizant directors or deans and filed with the provost. c. Levels of Review The review process shall be essentially the same as and concurrent with the procedures outlined for academic rank faculty (see Part IV.B.5.c. and d., above). The completed file may be reviewed by the department chair and will be reviewed by the unit peer review committee. The candidate’s file and written recommendations will be forwarded to the cognizant directors or deans. The cognizant directors or deans will forward the candidate’s files, along with written recommendations to the university-wide promotion and tenure committee. The university-wide promotion and tenure committee will review all files concurrently with promotion applications for academic rank faculty. Following the review and recommendation by the university-wide promotion and tenure committee, all files will be forwarded to the Office of the Provost along with the record of the committee’s vote and a written substantive rationale for the majority recommendation and minority opinion. The provost will review all files and forward them to the chancellor along with a written recommendation. The chancellor will evaluate all files and make the final decision. 5. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration A faculty member who is denied promotion may request consideration in accordance with the dispute resolution process identified in the extant collective bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member. Chapter V Procedures for Termination A. Non-Retention of Tenure Track Academic Rank Faculty 1. Prior to standing for tenure review, and at the conclusion of the annual review process set forth in Chapter III. F and G. above, the dean may elect to non-retain or non-renew the appointment of a regular, academic rank faculty member with or without prejudice. 2. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration A faculty member who is not retained may request reconsideration according to the dispute resolution process identified in the extant collective bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member. B. Termination of Tenured Faculty Termination In accordance with “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter V, tenured faculty may be terminated for the following reasons: a) discontinuance of the program; b) reduction of program; c) financial exigency; and d) cause. Any program change that could result in the loss of a position held by a tenured faculty member must be approved by the Faculty Senate in accord with the program review procedures identified in UA Regulation 10.06.01 and UAF procedures. If a decision is made to reduce or discontinue a program, tenured faculty will be retained in preference to non-tenured faculty and a good faith effort shall be made to place tenured faculty in another program at the university. Following a decision to reduce or discontinue a program and after efforts have been made to retain tenured faculty, the cognizant dean, in consultation with the director in the case in which a tenured faculty member has a joint appointment, may request the termination of a tenured faculty member for programmatic reasons. The chancellor must approve the final decision on termination of a tenured faculty position. The chancellor shall notify the faculty member of this decision. When the dismissal of a tenured faculty member for cause is under question, the process for disciplinary action for just cause as specified in the extant bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member and/or other procedures governing professional conduct shall be implemented. 2. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration for Termination of Tenured Faculty Tenured faculty who receive a written notification of termination may request reconsideration according to the dispute resolution process identified in the extant collective bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member. C. Non-Renewal of Non-Tenure Track or Term Faculty 1. In accordance with “UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies,” Chapter V.4, non-retention is not applicable to faculty with special academic rank. 2. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration Inasmuch as term appointments are not intended to continue after the specified ending date, a faculty member may appeal a decision which results in termination of services only as allowed by the extant collective bargaining agreement applicable to the faculty member. Chapter VI Sabbatical Leave A. Sabbatical Leave 1. Policy Sabbatical leaves for professional development may be made available to faculty with academic rank who meet the requirements set forth below. The objective of such leave is to increase the faculty member’s value to the university and thereby improve and enrich its programs. 2. Purpose Sabbatical leaves at the university shall be granted for study, formal education, research and other scholarly and creative activity or other experiences of professional value and may include associated travel. The objective of such leave is to increase the faculty member’s value to the university and thereby improve and enrich its programs. A sabbatical leave shall be granted as a privilege, not a right. Such leaves shall be granted only when it is shown that the applicant is capable of using the time in a manner that shall increase the faculty member’s value to the university. 3a. Eligibility for ACCFT Faculty Faculty holding academic rank who will have completed at least five consecutive years of service within the university system shall be eligible for consideration to take sabbatical leave during the sixth or subsequent year of service. Applicants who will have completed at least five consecutive years of service within the university system from the date of return from any previous sabbatical leave shall be eligible to be granted another sabbatical leave to be taken during the sixth or subsequent year. In computing consecutive years of service for the purpose of this section, periods of vacation leave and periods of sick leave with salary shall be included. A partial year of service which includes at least one semester of full-time faculty service may be included as a full year of service for the purposes of eligibility for sabbatical leave, but it must also be counted as time towards mandatory tenure review. The faculty member must apply for such inclusion in writing. Periods of leaves of absences, other than vacation and sick leave with salary, and periods of part-time service shall not be included, but shall not be deemed an interruption of otherwise consecutive service. 3b. Eligibility for United Academics – AAUP/AFT Faculty Tenured or tenure track faculty members who shall have completed at least six (6) consecutive years of service within the MAU shall be eligible for consideration to take sabbatical leave during the seventh (7th) or subsequent year of service. Applicants who shall have completed at least six (6) consecutive years of service within the MAU from the date of return from any previous sabbatical leave shall be eligible to be granted another sabbatical leave to be taken during the seventh (7th) or subsequent year. In computing consecutive years of service for the purpose of this section, periods of time off and periods of sick leave with salary shall be included. If requested in writing at the time of appointment, a partial year of service that includes at least one (1) semester of full-time unit member service may be approved by the chancellor, or chancellor’s designee, as a full year of service and counted toward eligibility for sabbatical leave. Periods of leave of absence (other than time off and sick leave with salary) and periods of part-time service shall not be included, but shall not be deemed an interruption of otherwise consecutive service. 4a. Terms and Conditions for ACCFT Faculty Sabbatical leaves may be granted for one academic year or an equivalent period at rates not to exceed six months salary or for one semester or an equivalent period at rates not exceed one semester’s salary. Faculty may, with the prior approval of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee, accept fellowships, grants-in-aid, or earned income to assist in accomplishing the purposes of their sabbatical leaves. In such cases, the chancellor or chancellor’s designee may adjust the sabbatical leave salaries to reflect such income provided that total earnings for the leave period are not less than full salary had the recipient not been on leave. A faculty member on a terminal appointment loses any rights to a sabbatical leave. 4b. Terms and conditions for United Academics – AAUP/AFT Faculty Sabbatical leaves shall be granted only for periods of one (1) academic year at the rate of six (6) months salary or one semester at the rate of three months salary. A sabbatical proposal that extends beyond the academic year may be approved, but no additional compensation will be paid. Faculty may, with the prior approval of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee, accept fellowships, grants-in-aid, or earned income to assist in accomplishing the purposes of their sabbatical leaves. In such cases, the chancellor or chancellor’s designee may adjust the sabbatical leave salaries to reflect such income provided that total earnings for the leave period are not less than full salary had the recipient not been on leave. A faculty member on a terminal appointment loses any rights to a sabbatical leave. 5. Application Process Applications for sabbatical leave shall be submitted to the chancellor or chancellor’s designee. Applications for sabbatical leave shall define the purpose of the leave requested. The application will be submitted in the manner set forth by the provost. Each application shall include a statement outlining the program to be followed while on sabbatical leave and indicating any prospective income from outside the university. Approval Consistent with provisions of this chapter, the chancellor or chancellor’s designee may approve such sabbatical leave as are deemed appropriate. A record of such leaves shall be reported to the President of the university system annually. 7. Obligation to Return The recipient is obligated to return to the university for further service of at least one appointment period. Failure of the recipient to fulfill this obligation shall require the full and immediate repayment of salary and benefits received from the university while on leave, except in extenuating circumstances acceptable to the chancellor or chancellor’s designee. 8. Reporting A written report detailing the professional activities and accomplishments for which the leave was granted and specifying the sources and amounts of additional funds secured for this period shall be submitted by the recipient to the chancellor or chancellor’s designee within three months after returning from leave. 9. Leave Credits Annual and sick leave credits shall not be accrued or used during sabbatical leave. B. Special Sabbatical Leave (N.B. Special Sabbatical Leave was rescinded by the Board of Regents on June 20, 1997. BOR Policy 04.04.07.) 1. Special Sabbatical Leave for ACCFT Faculty Any full-time exempt employee who has competed four (4) years of uninterrupted service is eligible to apply during the fifth (5th) or later year for Special Sabbatical Leave during the sixth (6th) or later year. The recipient shall receive a salary of a least one-dollar ($1) during the period of the leave. In all other respects the special Sabbatical leave bears rights and responsibilities identical to the normal sabbatical leave. Applications for special sabbatical leave may be initiated at any time. The application, specifying the qualifications and eligibility for leave, a description and justification of the proposed project including dates of the beginning and the end of the leave, and details of projected funding of the leave, shall be made to the applicant’s immediate supervisor. The application shall be forwarded through normal administrative channels with recommendations and justifications being added at each level, up to and including the chancellor. The chancellor shall notify the applicant in writing of the action taken. In cases in which the special sabbatical salary exceeds one dollar ($1), the funding required to produce the additional salary will be secured from sources other than the state appropriation, and will normally be secured through the efforts of the leave recipient. A copy of the leave conditions and notification as provided to the recipient shall be forwarded to the employee’s personnel file. No annual leave is earned during special sabbatical leave. 2. Special Sabbatical Leave for United Academics – AAUP/AFT Faculty There is no provision for special sabbatical leave for faculty who are members of the United Academics – AAUP/AFT bargaining unit.     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