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ANNUAL EXPENSESG1 First- YearUniversity Wyoming*PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS- Tuition: Out-of-stateEstimated Course/Lab Fees: $450R$523 per semester or $1046 per year charge for health insurance. It is refundable.All students will also be charged a supplemental health insurance fee every semester ($759 per semester for 2005-06; 2006-07 figure will be available mid-summer). A student who already has adequate insurance and provides proof of coverage may request a refund. Program fees are charged in addition to tuition and fees, and support program needs. Most programs assess fees when students begin the professional phase of the program. Program fees for 2007-2008 will be set mid-summer. Program fees for 2007-2008: $827.15 per semester/$1,654.30 per year for architecture and landscape architecture; $250 per semester/$500 per year for athletic training; $600 per semester/$1,200 per year for the coordinated program in dietetics; $175 per semester/$300 per year for the didactic program in dietetics;$875 one-time fee for students who have been accepted into 400 level classes for education; $328 per semester/$656 per year for engineering; $285 per semester/$570 per year for health education and physical education; $285 per semester/$570 per year for human performance and fitness; $250 per semester/$500 per year for interior design; $300 per semester/$600 per year for nursing; $2,506.50 per semester/$5,013 per year for pharmacy; and $285 per semester/$570 per year for sport and recreation studies.FBusiness, Education and Engineering courses have higher tuition costs.џ2Ф Џїžц^и0xccž LЭйР "[/-Б-  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џС=:&LG1-G4: CDS 2004-05 Peer Institution Comparatives Projectƒ„Ё"DXXр?р?U} m} I} I} Ж} л} I} л"hс€;€с€ЮРс€§@с€h€ џ џ р@ р@ џџџ@џџ@џ@џ@џ§@џЉ @џџТџТџ™@§ @#О0AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABО20111111111111111111112О23444,,----...........5О2677788////111111111112О 9§ LL§ MN§ FO§ F G§  F O§  F  O§ F!O§ F"O§ FG§ F&ОGО20111111111111111111112§ $§ ОFGFGFGFGFG §  FО  GFG§ FОGFGFGО20111111111111111111112§ 9$$§ '%§ '§ '%§ '§ '%§ '§ '%§  '§  '%§  '§  '%§  '§ '%§ '§ '%§ '§ '%§ '§ '%§ '§ 9$§ %О. 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