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Salaries are listed at the FY16 rate and include a 2.0% inflation increase for faculty, 2.5% for professionals and staff, and 1.9% for crafts and trade employees each year. Waiver of Two-Month Rule (NSF): UAF researchers do not have typical 9-month contracts, but are to a large degree soft-funded, and thus must use research or other sources of funding for their salary support. Therefore, we specifically would like to request a waiver of the two-months-rule so that Dr. ____ may charge more than 2 months to NSF during any 12-month period. Alternative wording for PI or Co-I with $0.00 Project will not be charged for time the PI last name spends to administer the project. Even though Co-I Nicoll will support the implementation of developed techniques and the processing of the SAR data, no time will be charged to this project as his salary is already covered by NASA. Benefits: Staff benefits are applied according to UAFs Provisional FY16 fringe benefit rates. Rates are 28.7% for faculty salaries, 28.5% for postdocs d" 3 Years, 41% for professionals, 40.5% for crafts and trade employees, 28.5% for executive management, 45.7% for support (classified) staff, 10.7% for adjunct faculty, 30.4% for extended temporary staff, and 9.2% for temporary staff and students (summers only for graduate students). $2,361 per year ($858 for Fall and Spring semesters, and $645 for Summer only) is also included for graduate student health care, with a 7.0% inflation increase per year. Anticipatory increases have been included for Year 1 of the proposal. A copy of the rate agreement is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. Equipment: Funds are requested to purchase a scanning electron microscope ($5,500, quote attached) to analyze the samples collected during fieldwork. (note: items listed here must have a life of more than 1 year, and must cost more than $5,000 each) Travel: Domestic: 2/2/4/2 trips per year, respectively, are requested for the PI and Co-I to travel to Nome, AK (at $/trip for airfare) to conduct fieldwork. 1 trip is budgeted per year to San Francisco, CA (at $/trip for airfare) for the PI to attend the annual AGU conference and meet with collaborators. Per Diem (meals/incidentals/lodging) is $160/day for Nome per UA Board of Regents regulations for ɫƵ in-state travel and $228/day for San Francisco. Reduced per diem of $XX/day is requested for travel to Bettles, AK for remote fieldwork where lodging and meals will be limited. Car rental is budgeted at $100/day (daily rate including taxes and fees). Airport shuttle service is budgeted in San Francisco at $25/trip. Foreign: 1 trip in Year 2 is budgeted for the PI to travel to Tokyo, Japan (at $/trip for airfare) to meet with collaborators and discuss findings. Per Diem for Tokyo is $275/day. Ground transportation is budgeted at $50/day. An inflation rate of 10% per year has been included for all transportation costs. Anticipatory increases have been included for Year 1 of the proposal. All airfare cost data is based on Internet research from  HYPERLINK "http://www.kayak.com" www.kayak.com. All Per Diem is in accordance with GSA/JTR Regulations. Commodities (Materials & Supplies): Funds ($xx) are requested for field supplies such as data loggers and sample containers, and other general project supplies. Funds ($4,000) are requested for 2 project specific laptops that are essential for completion of the proposed research. The computers will be used exclusively for the proposed research activities and not for general business or administrative purposes. Subawards: A subaward will be made to the University of Tokyo ($125,000 over 3 years) for their portion of the research analyzing samples collected locally in Japan and comparing them to the ɫƵ samples. The University of Tokyo was selected because of their sole expertise in this field. A budget and narrative is attached for the subaward. Participant Support: [Stipends, subsistence and travel costs for participants not a part of UAF. The $$ for Participant Support is deducted from the total applied to the F&A recovery rate on when a sponsor specifies that Participant Support costs are allowable. However, one exception exists for NSF Participant Support where a 25% Administrative Allowance is allowed and should be calculated on REU Student Stipends only.] Definition of Participant Support Federal: Direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences, or training projects. NSF: PAPP/GPG Section IIC.2.g.v, (v) Participant Support (Line F on the Proposal Budget): This budget category refers to costs of transportation, per diem, stipends and other related costs for participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with NSF-sponsored conferences, meetings, symposia, training activities and workshops.21 (See GPG Chapter II.D.7) For some educational projects conducted at local school districts, however, the participants being trained are employees. In such cases, the costs must be classified as participant support if payment is made through a stipend or training allowance method. The school district must have an accounting mechanism in place (i.e., sub-account code) to differentiate between regular salary and stipend payments. Generally, indirect costs (F&A) are not allowed on participant support costs. The number of participants to be supported must be entered in the parentheses on the proposal budget. These costs also must be justified in the budget justification section of the proposal. Some programs, such as Research Experiences for Undergraduates, have special instructions for treatment of participant support. Additional information on the charging of participant support costs to an NSF award is available in AAG Chapter V.B.8. Contractual Services and Other Direct Costs: Resident: Per UAF policy, resident tuition costs ($423 per credit, 9 credits per semester) are included for the graduate student as well as resident student fees at $629 per semester (academic year only). Student tuition and fees are listed at the AY15 rate with a 10% inflation increase per year. Anticipatory increases have been included for Year 1 of the proposal. Or, If International or Non-Resident: Per UAF policy, non-resident tuition costs ($864 per credit, 9 credits per semester) are included for the graduate student as well as non-resident student fees at $788 per semester (academic year only). Student tuition and fees are listed at the AY15 rate with a 10% inflation increase per year. Anticipatory increases have been included for Year 1 of the proposal. $2,500 is requested for page charges/publication costs of the research findings. $500 per year is budgeted for toll/communication charges. $500 is included for shipping the samples to and from collaborators. $2,000 is requested for airlifting supplies to the field location per year. Funds are requested for further sample analysis by SampleCorp. Inc. at $50/sample. Funds are also proposed for the UAF Analysis Lab to verify the integrity of the samples at $2/sample. Funds ($X) are also requested for the AGU meeting registration fees (at AY15 rate of $455 per year per PI, and $295 per year per student with a 5.0% inflation increase per year). 10 days of Sikuliaq ship use are included for planned fieldwork (at the CY16 Sikuliq day rate of $54,590/day). The Sikuliaq day rate includes 35% F&A per UAFs predetermined rate agreement. UAF Machine Shop and Electronic Shop rates include a 10% inflation increase each year. Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for sponsored research at UAF is calculated at 50.5% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. Please see alternative Indirect Costs paragraphs below as necessary: Other Sponsored Activities: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for other sponsored activities at UAF is calculated at 37.2% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, stipends, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. CIFAR: Indirect Costs: CIFARs current cooperative agreement, NA13OAR4320056, is a five-year renewal of the original award NA08OAR4320751. As a renewal, Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are those negotiated with the Office of Naval Research in 2008 when the original CIFAR cooperative agreement was approved. At that time indirect costs for sponsored research on the UAF campus were set at 45.1% of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, student health care costs, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, participant support costs, and equipment. A copy of the agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/downloads/Negotiated/FY08-10_FA_Neg.pdf" FY08 Negotiated Rates for UAF. PFRR: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for sponsored research at UAF is calculated at 50.5% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC); Poker Flat Research Ranges current rate is 26.7%. MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. Reduced, as per the RFP: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are calculated at 22.0% of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), as per the proposal guidelines. MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. CESU: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are calculated at 17.5% of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), per UAF's membership in the North and West ɫƵ Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (NWA-CESU). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. Off Campus Rate: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for off-campus research at UAF is calculated at 26% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). Off-campus rates apply to sponsored projects where more than 50% of the university effort is conducted off-campus. Off-campus is defined as a facility which is not owned or leased by the institution, a facility leased by the institution where the lease costs are charged as direct costs to the award, or a temporary worksite (i.e. field location). The [majority/entirety] of this project will take place off campus at [enter location]. MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/" http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. State of ɫƵ Sponsored Research Rate: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for State of ɫƵ sponsored research at UAF is calculated at 25% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. State of ɫƵ Instruction/Training Rate: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for State of ɫƵ sponsored instruction and training at UAF is calculated at 12% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. Sponsor Limited Rate: Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The predetermined rate for sponsored research at UAF is calculated at 50.5% (FY14FY16 predetermined agreement) of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). The F&A rate for this proposal is calculated at 8% per the solicitation requirements. MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition and associated fees, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. DoED 8% Rate: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs are calculated at 8.0% of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), as per the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, scholarships, participant support costs, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the rate agreement is available at: " `  QtHvwI P鿷jh@h:Uh@h:0Jjh@h:Ujh@h:Uh@h:\ *h@h:\ *h@h:56h@h:6h@h:B*PJph *h@h:h@h:>* h@h:5$b PQ  $`a$gd: $h`ha$gd:gd:h`hgd:$a$gd:$a$gd:$$$$S&y&'-++++--h`hgd: $h`ha$gd:$a$gd:h`hgd:$$$$$%% &R&S&x&y&' '''n*,++++,,Q-R---------𵢵zmh@h:B*CJphh@h:0JCJjh@h:CJUjh@h:CJU%h@h:56B*CJ\]phh@h:CJh" *h@h:hxh@h:5 *h@h:5h@h:6h@h:>* h@h:h@h:\'---#.$.@.A.Q.000000033333I6J6K6d6gd: $h`ha$gd:h`hgd:gd:h`hgd:$a$gd:h`hgd:-$.@.A.O.Q. 0 0T0U0V0000000022>3?3333333333344Ϯ♌|ri\h@h:B*CJphh@h:CJh@h:0J]jVh@h:U]jh@h:U]h@h:]h@h:0JCJaJ#jmh@h:CJUaJjh@h:CJUaJh@h:CJaJh@h:>* h@h:h@h:5B*ph3fh@h:56!4455 6 6 6F6G6H6I6K6d6e6s666777777888;8<8B8ֻ㮤㍆~ses\sREh@h:5B*ph3fh@h:5>*h@h:0JjHh@h:Ujh@h:U *h@h: h@h:h@h:>*:5B*䴳3:6C:*䴳:0䴳:䴳:䴳:䴳%:56B*䴳]p666:8;8<8B8C8S8o:p:q::::>>>>>>>ɾɾ*(h@h:5B*CJOJQJaJph3f h@h:0JCJOJQJaJ+j1h@h:CJOJQJUaJ%jh@h:CJOJQJUaJh@h:CJOJQJaJ5h@h:56B*CJOJQJ\]aJphsH h@h:CJOJQJaJsHh@h:>* h@h:<<<(=8=:=>>M>N>O>>>>>>>>>>??@гè|g|_X|?|1h@h:56B*CJOJQJ\]aJph h@h:h@h:>*(h@h:5B*CJOJQJaJph3fh@h:CJOJQJaJ h*v*(h@h:5B*CJOJQJaJph3f h@h:0JCJOJQJaJ+jh@h:CJOJQJUaJh@h:CJOJQJaJ%jh@h:CJOJQJUaJ>AAAIAJAZACCCCCCFFFFFddde ]^gd:h`hgd:h`hgd:$a$gd:$[$\$a$gd:$h[$\$`ha$gd:D E E0EEEAFBFCF~FFFFFFFIGJGGHdGdHdIddddeeeαΞsqa΀YR h:hh:h:\j h@h:CJUUh@h:B*CJphh@h:56h@h:5B*ph3f h@h:h@h:\h@h:0JCJj h@h:CJUjh@h:CJUh@h:CJ( *h@h:56B*CJ\]ph%h@h:56B*CJ\]phHYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/"http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. 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